Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb…Thanks for forcing all warriors back to arms.
When was the last time you saw a Brewmaster tank in Dragonflight?
(post deleted by author)
If the only way for tanks to have fun is by making the dungeon experience miserable for everyone else then sorry, y’all need to maybe think a little harder about what you want out of the role. This is game-breaking overpowered-ness because it completely upends the entire tank-healer-DPS paradigm that has been the core of WoW from the beginning, and it needs to go away fast.
Well on other hand, would you be happier for NO tanks at all? Just dps+heals GW2 style? Maybe thats what the WoW community actually wants
- The Hunt now heals for 10%/20% (as Havoc/Vengeance) of damage dealt to the marked target for 20 sec (was 25%/50% for 30 seconds).
- Charred Warblades now heals for 3% of Fire damage dealt (was 5%).
- Fixed an issue that unintentionally permitted Fodder to the Flame’s heal effect to crit.
After playing for two hours i never saw my heal pop once wtf! Way over the top, hell I’m almost as squishy as a mage now, too far guys way too far. After trying this out it’s more like 5% not 10 to 20%, ludicrous! You should have advertised you were going to trash healing for my class before I bought the damned expansion. Some of us play solo and don’t carry a healer in their damned pocket, I’m out!
Playing through some m+ runs, tanks need more nerfs.
It’s not fun and engaging watching a tank pull everything, out heal healer, and solo kill a boss with everyone else dead. Specifically when their ilvl is lower than that of others and the tank doesn’t even know said dungeon mechanics.
I for one definitely do not want that. Personally I liked it when the tanks job was survival/aggro and not dps but I guess I’m old school.
I’ve barely noticed any difference in the amount of damage taken - perhaps the remaining 15% DR on Defensive Stance should be removed…
I ran shadowmoon +7 today on my pally tank. And may i tell you WE dont need a nerf. I pulled 1 -2 packs max and it was still a bit hard at ilvl 370. We timed it easily but thats just a +7 and struggle was REAL at some points. I was healing alongside the healer to save the team, we had shaman healer. It was fun yes. But why are things hitting so hard at +7 ? Lolol
Excited to move up in difficulty in content and continue experiencing random one shots, to experience more random one shots. great nerf. you guys are fantastic
As a healer, I’m pretty annoyed with this.
So you’re saying the tank is undergeared but he still manages to kill the boss that you couldn’t kill and that gets you angry.
Man, I love how years go by and this community just never changes.
I salute the BLIZZARD Development Team for this bold move!
Reining in OP Tanks has been something seriously NEEDED!
An OP Tank with an obedient healer, doesn’t really need the group…
and that is why they behave the way they behave…essentially ruining
the dungeon experience…So…Bravo!
I now look forward to dungeoning again…with somewhat humbled Tanks!
wait to you see a warrior tank do 70k damage and 30k healing (twice that of that healer)
Buff Warlock AoE
Nerf Demon Hunters (always)
Nerf Tank damage
Nerf Evokers Healer AoE Damage - shouldn’t be that high with 2 buttons.
Tanks are Guardians Classes/specs…
They exist to soak up agro and damage
as Damage Classes dish the DPS…
I used to take pride in being that person
who stood between dps and a wipe.
But then they turned Tanks into dps-ers.
That’s when I stopped Tanking…a long time ago.
The day I realized that all I really needed was a Healer.
That’s also when the wrong people started Tanking…
if you can call what they do, ‘tanking’.
I just want to say yes they were op but now its fully ruined Guardian Druids.
I Hate it now, you guys nerfed us way too much that I can’t even do anything to a fury warrior, let alone they heal way better than a tank, how? they have more dps and higher selfheal’s, they are OP as and were not nerfed? they are more tanky than a Guardian Druid lets not forget how tanky and selfhealed warlocks are and they have not been touched. yet nerf balance to the ground along with Guardian now. Also feral is bit better but DANG they get hit way to hard, half my hp goes in one hit. and im fully geared
Can we get balance fixes this is a joke. Also DKs are bad too. my two fav classes
thanks again for ruining classes.
Also now I know how shamans feel, big oof. it does suck when it happens to your main class, makes you not want to play
They keep making people turn classes in metas, swapping classes. this is not fun at all
I wondered why i was suddenly a soggy paper towel… i was excited to tank m+s but now i cant even tank a m0 without falling apart like a soggy paper towel. The last boss of life pools was destroying me, even hitting cooldowns and avoiding stuff as much as possible.
Feral gets hit way to hard, in PVE and PVP, im ilvl 372 so not bad and got pvp gear as well a full set. but one hit, there goes half the hp, need a defense buff or something