Always happy to be of assistance.
Not for me. Keeping the Tanks alive, knowing when burst damage is coming and helping the tank stay alive through it with him using his CDs is fun. The tank needing me to stay alive is fun.
With how much certain classes have sustain, I love that I can just toss a hot on someone and focus on tank more because the dps design has some sustain now. (not all classses)
The point is, Tanks and Healers always been a team. Why do tanks want us to just dps instead of support? It feels bad.
Yeah, sure, and this has been a thing, and will continue to be a thing. It’s just that above mid keys if the tank is taking heavy damage more often than not they just die instantly and hardcasted or even instant heals aren’t sufficient, and that’s what I was referring to.
Can you at least fix D stance in PvP. You can’t use it because of the 20% nerf too dmg and only being 10% reduction. It’s an old Arms nerf. Would be nice to be able to use D stance at least. If it’s 10/10 at least lol.
BRM is clearly under performing compared to the others. Seems like the perfect opportunity to bring them in line with the rest of the tanks. Why miss this opportunity? Any more then a 5% nerf is way to much for Monk.
2 weeks in a row of 3 separate nerf times and all those hours now wasted getting to ilvl 382 to tank for pugs tomorrow. This just sealed the deal for me, after 12 years of playing this game, I am finally done.
Yea I don’t blame you. I honestly don’t know why the Devs hate their players. They really do. Actions speak louder than words and when players are finally having fun for the first time in a long time. They ruin it a plethora of nerfs.
The Devs can’t think this is healthy, they really can’t. It’s a game people will only play it if it’s fun and killing all hopes of having fun right before the start is just detached from what is healthy gameplay. This is why the average sub is 1-3 months. The Devs are basically saying go play another game that wants their players to have fun.
Start buffing not nerfing. Revert all the nerfs. Turn up monster dmg if you have too. Buff up the weak classes. Just a giant yikes and this will only cause a huge Tank participation loss. The Devs need to hire someone with vision and better design philosophies. This team doesn’t have it.
Guess we shall see where we go from here. If the Devs actually listen and DF can be different.
i’ll do as i please. and lots of healers feel the same way i do, especially healers who are focused on m+.
When are you going to bring Brewmaster in line with the other 5 tanks? It’s the odd man out right now.
You say you want tanks to need healers. There’s one tank that does: Brewmaster. Because of their lack of self-sustain.
But you’re nerfing Brewmaster tomorrow along with all the other tanks.
Either buff Brewmaster self-sustain in line with the other 5 tanks, or bring the other 5 tanks down to Brewmaster’s levels of self-sustain.
Either will do. Pick one.
had a brew, 370 in a dungeon, harder to heal than a 320 warrior and I was on MW monk which pumps heals ._.
Healers don’t want to heal tanks. They can barely heal themselves and the dps this xpac.
where affliction buff?
Either will not do. After this entire thread of us speaking up for brewmaster, you go and ask for more nerfs. Yikes. Revert the nerfs, buff brewmaster.
I just want the tanks to be consistently near each other in performance. There are multiple ways to do that, I don’t care how it’s done.
Anything that drops gear higher or at the same level as what you are wearing should be a challenge.
Heroic, M0, or M20
It is not like they cannot heal tanks and everyone else. Most of the issue is going to be for mythic+ players, because in PvP Evoker is just outhealing every other healer by far that I assume it is an isolated issue as the one with Gdruid being unkillable for most newbies as me in random BGs due to ignoring a mechanic of a talent.
Seems like blizzard doesn’t want people to get to keys above some specific number.
It still has to be seen in raid what type of impact these changes can cause.
but why should it be just a key thing I am asking?
Yea because fury warriors needed a buff in healing
No nerfs to evoker healing?
Who hires these devs?
I don’t know what it’s like in raids thus my lack of comment regarding that particular form of content.
How is 340 the ilvl for M0? 340 is lower than 70 normal gear. M0 should be 360-370. It’s a lot lower this time because tanks have been so much stronger than usual.