Class Tuning Incoming -- December 13

I only enjoy playing Paladin and then MAYBE warrior, other classes just aren’t fun to me
It just baffles my mind that they could easily improve the suffering gameplay of ret paladins by changing the integers of certain spells to be more positive and they just don’t lol


MS doesn’t own Blizzard yet so how is it their fault. Heck they might not even get the chance to own them with several companies in the industry filing grievances to it, notably Sony, and the announcement on Thursday that the US FTC is going to take the matter to court.

If the FTC is involved and both Companies are American…it probably ain’t happening.

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Like I said. You haven’t done a key in your life. Thanks for proving my point.

No welcome the changes and I tank. There is no reason for me to pill all the mobs from one boss the the next won’t no healers needed, the little damage come out with 90%hp and do most damage

Why have DPS and heal when tank don’t need them

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Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Prot warriors were basically not even using D-Stance so they only got a 5% nerf and everyone else got a 10%?


Nah it turns out that when people looked in to it a little more the FTC isn’t suing to block the merger. They are suing to get concessions from Microsoft. I assume those concessions will probably be legally binding agreements that they won’t make, say, CoD an exclusive or some such.

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Im a warlock not a tank
Thanks for the nerf

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Fantastic, sourly needed. Good job dev team.

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You couldn’t tank a +15 if you tried. You play a BM hunter. Stop the cap

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Yeah the PvP damage was insane. Unkillable and could solo 3v1

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Yea and you a level 60 you can’t even tank a 70 normal lol.

This is one of the best adjustments I’ve seen in a long time, and yes, it WAS needed, very much so. I get that it’s fun to be overpowered, but it was changing the way 5-mans worked at a basic level, and not in a good way.

I’ve played Resto Druid since vanilla, and this expansion has felt more wonky than any other when it came to tank healing. Where is this expectation coming from that tanks should not need healing??? Tanks have always been the ones who take the most damage, and thus need the most healing. Their job is to hold aggro and mitigate/self-heal some of it for when the healer gets stunned or has to focus on healing DPS for a moment, etc. Self-heals are meant to increase survivability, not make tanks invincible.

And everyone complaining that this nerf was based on Mythic 0… How do you know? They have results from beta as well as internal testing, etc. How do people “know” that it wasn’t based on that?

But even we want to just look at Mythic 0 for a moment… This is not the first expansion where Mythic 0 was available before M+. Tanks were never this godlike in previous expansions during the Mythic 0 pre-season. So where does this “It’s only M0, it will be different in M+!!!” logic come from? Why weren’t tanks more powerful in M0 during past expansions?

It’s been blatantly obvious that tanks did not require enough healing. I’ve done several dungeons where the tank chain-pulled, everyone ended up dead - except for the tank. We all ran back just to find the tank still there playing solo where the rest of us wiped. Do people really need it explained to them why that’s a bad thing?

I found myself using my tank heals on DPS instead of the tank, which is something that is okay occasionally but right now there are too many times when all the tank needs is maybe one rejuvenation (during a big pull).

This was all leading toward healers being almost optional. Tanks don’t need healing, and “good DPS shouldn’t need healing as long as they don’t stand in bad, and when they do, that’s what their self-heals are for”. Combined with the go-go-go mentality of M+, if the Tank + 4 DPS comp could be made to work, healers would become obsolete instantly. If it even got close, then you would end up with the next worst thing which is basically everyone acting like the healer is mostly dead-weight and expecting the healer to spend most of their time DPSing.

Really the only thing I think they could have done different is, instead of a blanket 10% nerf, each class should have been nerfed based on how they were performing. Maybe some nerfed as little as 5% while others nerfed more like 15%.


WoW straight into Tank nerfs , not liKe there are so many DPS get instant Queues now. Why do you insist on making people not want to tank?? What on Azeroth makes a diff if the tank doesn’t die, big deal , the group still does. Tank shortage be dammed right?


Im level 70. You can’t even read but sure can run your mouth on topics you have no exp on.

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That’s why the dungeon-finder requires 342 just to queue for Heroic, right?

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I would like to think since I actually tank a bunch of m0 and also have more experience than your so call main I know what I am talking about more than you. Heck you aren’t even ilvl 340. Come back when you reach a better ilvl and actually done some content than we will talk.

Tank are busted currently don’t deny it. There is no need for a healer or dps at all. Mind as well change the game to world of tankcraft of this keeps up. Again this nerf doesnt do much expect monks we take maybe 4 to 6% more damage and that’s it

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I mean in reality, we are invincible. In your comment only everyone around us isn’t. Which is true. So I think our ego stays in tact and it’s others that are the issue. I doubt our 10% will change this much either.

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Im literally 381 equipped. Can you read???

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I’d say it’s an entirely appropriate response to the way you have been obsessively posting misinformation in this and other threads recently.

That’s because most players are terrible at the game and blizzard knows they need the gear bloat to do easy content, for anyone actually good at the game you did mythic 0’s as soon as you hit 70, most good people did 0’s way under 340 ilvl.

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