Class Tuning Incoming -- December 13

Wow. Well done Microsoft, making the biggest mistake of any MMO.
– mass nerfs –
Screw everyone over because they’re actually having fun for a change.
Aren’t you going to nerf your new pet class? Of course not.
It’s crazy when decision makers who don’t even play decide such crap.


Yep. They just keep ruining my reasons to enjoy this. Yea the new dragon flying gimmick is fun, but screw over the classes and lose players. I’m redirecting my energy elsewhere now that they’ve ruined the season. Not going to bother renewing.


It wasn’t enough, if the other tanks lost ALL of their spec’s baseline damage mitigation, why do Warriors keep theirs, albeit at a lower value? Are you also forgetting the Protection Warrior set bonuses? How about the last nerf as well? Did that take into account, the Protection Warrior set bonuses?

Bluepost: With weekly restarts Brutal Vitality now adds 15% of the damage dealt to your active Ignore Pain (was 30%).

2 pieces (Protection) : Revenge grants you Vanguard’s Determination, increasing your damage done and reducing damage you take by 4% for 5 sec seconds.
4 pieces (Protection) : During Vanguard’s Determination, gain Ignore Pain equal to 5% of damage you deal.

Alright so the last nerf reduced the effectiveness of Brutal Vitality from 30% > 15%, and this nerf reduces the Warrior’s baseline damage mitigation by 10.25% (5% x 5%)… All well and good - EXCEPT when the set bonuses come out!

Brutal Vitality’s nerf ends up effectively becoming -10%, whilst damage mitigation is essentially only a -6% nerf…

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wont change anything imo. tanks dont compare with dps or heals, tanks compare with other tanks. all tanks get nerfed so it’s a nothing burger :slight_smile:

the only place youll feel it is pvp and lets be honest… it shouldnt take 3 dps to kill 1 silly goose pvping in tank spec lol

I mean I’ve done mythic’s with 5 tanks only lol we can clear everything just fine and heal thru all the damage just fine it’s pretty funny

Hopefully this will help with PvP because it’s broken right now.

I just looked at your raider io and you haven’t done a key in your life. Please stop the cap

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I predicted this would happen. They would make the game appear fun again to draw in a crowd of people to try and bolster their numbers after loosing so many after BFA and SL, just to do the same thing they were doing in those expansions. I dont know how they’re getting their data to make these “Tunings” but its all wrong. Tanks dont need to be taking more damage, I’ve seen some tanks just loose half their health after a pull and need some big healing and not recieve it because the healers aren’t experienced to heal through it or are just not paying attention. This requires the tanks to self sustain more rather than focus on a different line through the new talents system. This also goes for DPS specs as well, when it comes to unavoidable damage the healers aren’t putting out enough on the right people causing self sustain to become important. ( Now I would like to clarify not all healers are like this some are amazing and I wish I could keep them in my pocket). So removing the damage reduction and “Tuning” self sustain healing abilities isn’t the way to go.


You’re not wrong. They designed great talent trees and classes and made tanks fun to play.

Now they are fundamentally changing how classes feel by tuning things such as target caps and talents in a way that change how classes play and feel instead of just tuning numbers.

I don’t think it’s intentional bait and switch tho. I think it’s just tuning team being bad at their job. They have showed that over and over throughout last 2 expansion. From letting bfa fire mage to exist to over nerfing some classes into obsoletion to letting warlock and sv stay busted for 2 seasons to letting WW do dmg that was 3 tiers ahead of everyone all of s2 SL.

Now they are over compensating by nerfing everything into the ground based on m0 data after not having taken care of things during beta testing based on feedback.


I don’t find ret that fun. I really enjoyed rolling my fury warrior to 70. If the nerfs change how I feel about fury I will probably come back to ret but it just feels so weak.

Blizzard needs to stop nerfing and instead bring a level of fun to all classes.


How they left arcane mages untouched?

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Hey, this is exactly what I was coming here to complain about. 10% isn’t enough, but I guess it’s a start. Right now, dumb tanks can pull the whole room including the boss, kill their entire group in the process and then win the fight on their own.

Tanks shouldn’t be able to survive without a healer unless overgeared nor should they out-DPS damage-dealers. It’s a been key mechanic forever.


Well most PvPers absolutely hate tanks being relevant, so that’s a huge problem that needed to be addressed.

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Well fellow Brewmaster Monks, then again bottom tier is bottom tier. :poop:

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Ksm in season 2 for SL and then stopped playing got bored it’s not a cap it’s the truth. No need to lie for a video game my guy


This is ridiculous… Brewmasters are already at a deficit in self healing… lets take away more. Essentially you are going to make playing brewmaster a punishment. Being too reliant on heals will make us bottom of the barrel and not chosen for keys later on. Play your classes endgame. Take the damage reduction fine… then at least add in a passive boosting the expel harm healing. At least then we might have a better chance…

You are wrong and at same time you have a point “Tanks shouldn’t be able to survive without a healer unless overgeared” its pretty common to be overgeared to m0 in the current content. m0 is only 340+, both my tanks are 370+ this is why they are surviving like that, and if a tank is out-dpsing damage-dealers its the tuning of that spec or the player not the tank, as dps never a tank out-dps me.
The content when tanks will need survivability its not out yet.

Tanks being self reliant is fine, healer energy being directed toward keeping DPS alive and putting in some damage is a good thing, and tanks aren’t out damaging competant DPS in most scenarios.


I would like to but I can’t, I prefer WW dps and tanking with my blood dk instead of monk tanking, because blood dk is much more viable for magic dmg.

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I might level a feral druid. That sounds more fun than the mess that will be season 1 of Dragonflight

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