I mean… okay… but Resto shamans still feel awful to heal as, can we get a few more bumps up?
That’s silly, because these are the people that the Heroic gear would have been useful for. And it’s not like they can gear up via world quests first, since the world quest rewards scale based on your ilvl…
“Call of Duty has been cancelled. We hope our new Xbox exclusive franchise, Duty Calls,,is just as successful!”
Windows 10/11 gamers playing on their PC are every bit as important to Microsoft as XBox gamers are, and it’s also one advantage they have that Sony does not. It’s never been easier to port games between the XBox and PC considering that the modern XBox basically uses PC hardware (8-core x86 CPU, etc).
Fair point, Duty Calls would likely be PC/Xbox. The big thing was just that it would not be available on PS.
this is making me cry, PLEASE STOP
Your Brewmaster is invincible?
For War/DH/DK it won’t. A 10% change to War makes no difference (esp since it’s only 5% for trivial content - the smallest nerf to any tank), and DH/DK are just going to heal through everything anyway.
It was pointed out to Blizzard that their 40% change a few weeks before launch didn’t affect all tanks equally, but they ignored that data and did it anyway. This blanket nerf to all tanks is equally idiotic.
They simply don’t know what they’re doing.
Guessing you haven’t tanked this expansion, even on my warrior I don’t even notice I’m in battle stance ( 20% now 15%)… I’m still going to solo everything and not even feel this little 10% if you call that a nerf
They are very squishy as a tank, compared to every other tank. Always have been, but it’s even moreso now than before. It will get even worse come M+ in a couple days.
This game has wayyyyy too much magic damage to be nerfing Brewmaster monks. They are literally the worst tank right now in terms of survivability.
As a brewmaster I get rotted to death while other tanks just keep going. There’s a spectrum of tank tannkiness and blanket % nerf is just exacerbating the issues. Bliz you guys are just reinforcing the current meta; changes should be more class targeted.
Tanks have always done this since BFA with m0’s, 10% defensive nerf will not change that. Tuning around m0 play is bonkers. People are being speed demons in m0’s because they want to get it done so they can get back to other things.
This change just makes pugging harder as if its not hard enough finding tanks. Good luck to healers next week 🫠
Exactly how did Monk avoid the pvp nerfs when they can literally fight 3v1 and come out on top?
Let’s see some changes before we all re roll.
Guessing you haven’t tanked the last 2 expansions, m0 has always been tuned to baby mode for direct damage. We have more tools this time around with the talents, but i guarentee you no tank is going to be sitting in battle stance pulling 2-3 packs in a 15.
How has WW aoe not been nerfed?
Also undo all the tank nerfs. Stop the cap
Why does Vengeance have to keep suffering because of Havoc? Just target the spec you’re trying to nerf.
Who is in charge of the pvp balancing lol? I used to think it was a collaboration of sophisticated hard ai bots running simulations of 1v1s, 3v3s and 10v10s alongside pro wow pvpers running their own exhibition scrimmages and taking notes on what is strong/weak and then a team of intellectual devs scrutinizing all the data to create a super fair playing field…
Now i am starting to suspect balancing is apparently done by just one haughty reddit mod arbitrarily not liking some classes and heavily favoring others(cough warlock/preserve evoker)
Nerf Rogues
They literally just nerfed shadow priests main self healing by like 40%… lol