Class Tuning Incoming -- December 13

Going to have even less fun when you find out that tank shortage just got worse. I’m certainly not going to touch pug groups with these garbage changes, tanking pug groups as a tank was already awful, making me totally reliant on others to boot is a non starter for me.

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Being reliant in group content. Who knew


Talking mplus, but blizzard designed that content in a way that dumps virtually all responsibility on the tank. What minimal “reward” they got for that, was feeling like a tank, like things can’t easily kill them.

If I not only have to herd cats, figure out routing, juggle/plan cooldowns for efficient big pulls, but now I have to be reliant on DPS to interrupt/stun, and for the healer to not suck. I’m not doing that with people I’m not in comms with, and that’s how most tanks are going to treat these changes.

Better hope you have a guild group, you’ll be waiting hours for a pug tank at any sort of high difficulty.


Sadness. Now I can’t make a Fire Mage regret their spec choices. It’s fair, though! If Icy Veins can’t be dispelled, neither should Combustion!

I think you meant 380?

hard to listen when it seems they are deaf


Does blizzard play their game?

Tanks were fun for 1 week so uh that’s all the fun forever.

You mean here we go with the whiney cheese cake meta players that boohoo when their class requires more skill.

Im glad you dont like it :blush::grin:


Meanwhile, a lot of theorycrafters are saying it’s fine, many of us weren’t running SH at all against certain comps like RMx in SL, and the spec was viable in BFA at one point without it existing.

FoTM rerollers are the ones that are crying.
Those of us who have been playing the spec while it was a meme previously don’t even care. It’s insanely easy to keep the stacks going, they’re just not full always, and whoops, you might have to think about how to maintain it now. You can get almost full stacks instantly during your burst anyways, and the healing debuff matters for the GCDs after OF burst anyways, not during.

Also might be nice to finally drop it for RBGs and take other talents. Already talking to my RBG leader and I’m taking the double leap to peel out of team fights instead, with SMF for the movement speed. Having a dedicated tanky melee to backup a base is actually huge.

I know we’re a one braincell spec, but adapt. Think.

We’re about to become more mobile with the nerf to SH because we can just drop it entirely while running with something that has an MS.

Like, not a single player I play with that’s above Gladiator cares about this, and I’m just a multi-duelist rat, but I’m excited I don’t have to sit in team fight all day being an MS bot anymore in RBGs.

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Wow, what an absolute cry baby. I am glad you dont like it. I hope they nerf ot more. Go eat some more meta cheesecake you baby

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tuning more like running around screaming before the deadline JUST NERF THEM ALL we dont have time to fix it properly

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they were overall good nerfs though…

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so the bug interaction between leach an Fodder to the Flame is not fixed?, they still toping themselves with one glaive? … nais bug

Still early and hard to say it will all shake out, but I do believe their we will be a downward trend in people speccing as tank going forward.

I will say this, having taken some time and playing FF14 during BOA and SL id have much rather seen Blizzard take a page from Square Enixs book and pump ump healers DPS. If they don’t need to heal in certain engagements, then they can at least provide decent sinlge target and solid AOE DPS, giving them something to do instead of stand there waiting for a tank to get hurt.

But I get it, different community standards in FF14 Healers are expected to deal damage, the content is developed around them doing damage. In WoW that is not the case…although it should be, and could be.

One thing for sure, Blizzard is sure making my class choice easy at this point in time. Is there any reason not to play Feral Druid, in all content…its cracked right now.

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Plz god keep nerfing havoc its so good for every week to be weaker. Feels good man. -_-

Did anyone take Ion seriously when he said they feel hurt when players say Blizzard don’t listen.

I mean really? I was having a laugh reading that.

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Blizz perceivably out of touch? That’s weird…


M0s :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Stop the cap

Can you nerf Prot Warriors another 5% so they are even? They rarely tank in Def stance…

Stop the cap