Class Tuning Incoming -- December 13

Absolutely this.
Had a DH doing Legacy of Tyr, and he literally pulled every pack all the way to the next boss. The dps and healer all died, and he was still up facing the boss and all the packs by the time we walked back to him.


a few tanks are broken broken, they are punishing them all. DH can pretty much solo what they want while you have BrM who are barely holding on.


I mean with the nerf to it they might not lol. 3% Crit might just be better. Losing 10% damage for a small 15% damage reduction isn’t worth it. Now prot will just want to stance dance whenever a big hit is coming.

Lol no, a 15% dmg reduction in mythic+/raids won’t be passed up. They won’t be tanking high end game content while being affected by an increased 20% dmg taken (15% dmg reduction for defensive stance and 5% dmg reduction removed from Vanguard passive once nerfed) if they chose to not use defensive stance.

So spriest, feral druid and preservation will be the stier in s1.

If rabble rabble worked for the WQ change, I’ll keep rabble rabble-ing.

Please take the tank change back to the drawing board. Cut it with the 10% sweep, and reevaluate each tank individually. It’s more work, yeah, but it’s what we pay for :partying_face:

Also if you could elaborate 1. what these negative effects are and 2. clarify to who and in what context they are an issue, that’d be swell :partying_face:

Or how about not nerfing tanks at all and help incentivize players to actually want to play one instead of making the tank shortage worse for the rest of us.


I mean, strong tanks benefit everyone, so of course I’d like they not nerf them at all.

But if they’re dead set on nerfing tanks, don’t just slap 10% DR cut and call it a day.

For one, guardian druids killing 10-20 players at a time like a mythic raid boss.

Could have been PvP modified. It wasn’t and applied to all tanks.

I’m not sure, in the M0s I healed the tanks never took damage they didn’t self-heal through. All the direct healing was on the DPS. Maybe this is related to raid testing?

M0s are too low content for things to be balanced around IMO. Everything dies very quickly. They’ll be irrelevant for most players in a few days.

Possibly. But they don’t want to elaborate.

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That’s why I say “I’m not sure” because there hasn’t been any tank healing to do yet. We can’t really say how much harder it would be without at least SOME tank healing to do to base it off of.

Why nerf fury ms it’s basically dead now and arms just falls over…

I mean when a level 10 Rogues writes a review. Talk about someone that doesn’t actively play the game.

I do know that beta-tested keys were quite challenging without the tank nerf, but that could be chalked up to people learning mechanics as they went.

I just want a little more information and for the way they go about it to be reconsidered.

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Iirc, PoE started doing these crazy detailed patch notes where they would write 2-3 paragraphs for their reasoning behind big changes leading up to PoE2.

They were great reads and the philosophy behind them is great- the math could use some work in terms of nemesis modifiers though ahaha.

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They gave Warriors 2x 5% DR nerfs instead of 1x 10% that every other tank.

The only reason I can think of on why they did that instead of a -10% to D Stance was to just stop Prot Warriors sitting in Battle Stance instead.

This thread is just full of whiners describing changes that bring specs into line as ‘blizz nerfing fun’.

Yeah of course you find tanking an entire dungeon at one time and being unkillable fun…but that is something obviously tanks shouldnt be able to do and breaks the game.

Furys slaughterhouse pvp talent should never have been so strong when it was introduced…made the spec really oppressive along with their top tier damage and mobility. The change brings them more into line.

I’ll agree with the devs that tanking in general needed a nerf.
What I don’t agree with is the opinion that they’re all on equal footing. Some were mediocre and others were hard carrying prior to this balance change, imo.

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