Tanks were tuned too high, making certain group content unfun because they didn’t really need the rest of the group, and the attitude/behaviours that came with that was getting out of hand.
Im worried about the BrewMonk nerfs, we dont see many BRM as it is. Beta BrewMonk players were begging for buffs up till you guys deleted those forums.
It’s ironic that all the beta testing we were giving feedback on and they proceed to wipe all the feedback away with the tanking stuff being fun when it was released. Then proceeding to slap us in the face when they proceed to reverse everything we were advocating for.
I still don’t understand why Fury warrior nerf for PVP slaughterhouse literally was needed when you’re now making so it cannot be refreshed at all and have to get 3-4 rampage to get the effective stacks of 40% MS in order to basically be using it 100% of the time. I’ve only achieved this with the regular pvp set just by bursting, why are you basically handicapping an entire spec viability in PVP and forcing people go to ARMS warrior when that needs a buff. When arms does get buffed you effectively killed Fury warrior spec in PVP content in Rated ETC. Going back to same state it was in after End of MOP where they’re basically useless and Arms warrior is way to go.
Why can’t we have effective balancing between the two specs being heavy bursting and can move effectively with their toolkit. But Arms being heavy swinging rotation but slow move kit? There is no explanation for Fury warrior changes in PVP other than the tanking stuff it was just slapped right on there while pissing off the warrior community, all the while you’re pissing off all the tanks in PVE with a 10% nerf across the board designing around the data of M0.
It was indeed. If you think the disparity is anywhere near large enough for your picking and choosing of who can be nerfed, though, you’re off your rocker.
Yet BrM, despite being quite rough from what I’ve heard, is still able to solo tank large portions of dungeons.
I’ve already said that BrM should probably get something to compensate for the blanket nerf when they’re already weak. “It’s because it’s x tank” doesn’t devalue this nerf as a whole, though. An incredibly small nerf, I’d like to add.
like i’m not trying to be rude here but there’s an awful lot of “i hear tanks are OP in m0 so it’s good that brew got nerfed” from people who don’t tank at all, or don’t play brew, or aren’t aware that its survivability issues were worse in real content on beta, not better.
Fury needed its passive healing reduced. What is actually crazy is that they did nothing to address that the only capstone option is annihilator or that the rotation is only 2 buttons.
Ok, so coming from a Tank that doesn’t actually do PvE content and only does PvP, I will speak a little about the nerfs. Guardian will get completely gutted with this patch and really be no longer viable in pvp at all anymore. Which some will say good; however, I think we should all be able to enjoy the game we pay for in our own way. Do I think the guardian needed to be toned down just a little in survivability, sure maybe. Here is what I can tell you about it though. We already did less damage than a DPS, but our survivability was pretty crazy. This patch will remove what little dps we did have and make us much less useful as a whole. People look at the scoreboards and see the high dps numbers next to a guardians name, but do you actually realize how we achieve these numbers? Because we stay alive the entire time a fight is going on over an objective and continue to dps while the healers and dps die and have to run back. We have high numbers not because we do more than anyone else, its because we outlast everyone else. So our damage ticker doesn’t have 30 second gaps like everyone else. Those insane heal numbers you see, that is only to ourselves, we aren’t doing 11m healing to the raid, we are doing that just to keep ourselves alive. So those numbers are very misleading, especially to someone who doesn’t understand pvp. Anyway, so I refuse to quit my class, and instead of quitting, like I feel blizzard is trying to force on me, Instead I am going to double down, and remove all talents that increase DPS in the guardian tree. Since its clear they don’t want us fighting back, and thats fine, I will forego all dps and instead make myself twice as tanky. All guardians should do the same. I will no longer be able to kill you in pvp, but I will make sure none of you can kill me either. Stalemate… until Blizzard makes the spec so unusable it might as well not even be a spec choice, bringing the druid down to 3 instead of 4.
Nerf prot warrior. Buff brewmaster. Review again after the first week of M+/raiding is over. These changes are nonsense. We know who the outliers are at the top and bottom. Stop pretending like you don’t know this. The prot warrior change is barely a slap on the wrist and arguably less of a nerf compared to every other tank.
Nerfing builds before you see them in live content pushing keys or raids is a terrible idea. The “balance teams” did this at the start of other expacs and caused problems for people doing high end content, not to mention some of the cushion tanks have at the start helps get MORE TANKS IN QUEUES.
They may pull a room (which often the DPS and heal ask them to do). I played a lot of dungeons with my kitty and I have not seen a single tank pull the entire dungeon including bosses, nor did I die.
If I go bear, I will just take it super slow now, the whole survivability nerfed by 10% also hurts in solo content and transmog farming, which I enjoy a lot, so my fun gone - fun of the DPS gone too, thats how it works for me.
BrM should have +10% damage reduction (or more stagger, or both!), but otherwise, -10% is reasonable for the rest of us. I don’t even bother using defensive stance with the current content when playing prot, and I’m not sure it’s possible for my Bear to even go below 100% hp.
That said, other than brew needing buffs, balancing based on m0 is a new level of dumb.