Why? I dont seek validation, and it doesnt add anything to the conversation. You can easily look at sims and see the damage. I owe you nothing child.
You do. Thats why you mentioned you play rogue apparently.
I pointed out you were wrong thats all. Don’t talk back to me and you’ll be fine
This paragraph is worrisome and frankly out of touch with both healers and tanks in my experience. As a long time tank player, tanking feels most fun and rewarding when you have almost exclusive control over your own survival, as well as the ability to trade survivability for damage frequently whenever the circumstances allow it.
Tanks being able to solo parts of an encounter is not a problem that needs solving because it is already punished due to the time loss resulting from lower dps and as a result has almost never been a winning strategy in recent history.
Tanks are already an underrepresented role, the goal should be to make tanking as fun and rewarding as possible by
- making tanks as self-sufficient as possible, while punishing incorrect use of defensive and self-sustain through external healing required
- bringing their damage closer to dps in order to make their contribution to overall damage feel more rewarding whenever making the correct decision to trade survivability for dps
Ah, the logical fallacy.
You are a hoot, bless your little heart.
GTFO kid, you add nothing. Rogues are not getting buffed and the are not getting nerfed. You will continue to get your tail handed to you regularly by Rogues. Get used to it…its not gonna stop.
Granted, you probably dont even turn War Mode on, and judging from your Armory profile, will continue to pay someone to rush down content for you. Its okay tho, everyone has their own playstyles…yours just happens to suck.
Good day sport
The players can’t even come to a consensus on what is a justified nerf or not, how can we expect our overlords at blizzard to do something that makes sense?
One size does not fit all, this is a common theme that everyone seems to be struggling with. Having to deal with this at my work as well IRL. Life would be much easier all around if people realized that.
I agree the across the board was a bit heavy handed, but a change you perceive as bad, doesn’t mean that Blizzard isn’t paying attention. Also this change doesn’t mean they’ll never make another change to buff BrM again. Sure this change may not have been the best for all the tank classes affected by it, but that doesn’t mean Blizzard isn’t paying attention.
I’ve played since Vanilla’s initial beta, and as far as expansion launches go, DF has been the best by far. They’re responding to bugs and tuning issues faster than they ever have before. So I have every bit of confidence that when the nerf to BrM proves out to be too much, they’ll get a tuning pass in to make them stronger tanks again. Am I maybe huffing a bit of the copium because my main class wasn’t as negatively impacted as others, maybe. Overall though, I’m liking what this new incarnation of Blizzard is trying to become.
As long as we can clear a +20 in appropriate gear for the chest reward, the nerfs arent that bad. I heard that the beta was brutal on tanks at those levels though, so if a 10% dmg taken nerf is too much blizzard better respond quickly.
The PvP nerfs are warranted, although we wont know the full effect until higher gear levels. I suspect things will get trued-up again in a month.
Nerf doesn’t seem that bad, BM got short stick but what’s new.
I mean I was soloing M0 bosses as prot, and was literally unkillable in pvp with 800k hp ( last stand) some adjustment was needed.
They are seemingly doing a lot of adjustments, which is good, if this ends up being a big problem they will likely adjust again
What active options? Havoc has no active healing.
I 100% agree tanking is more fun when you don’t rely on a healer for survival. It’s why I loved playing my prot paladin more than my brewmaster in shadowlands.
So much crying about 10% dmg taken when us tanks were almost unkillable before. I’ll still be tanking and loving it.
I know you did not just type that out, look at it, and say “Yep, looks good” and actually posted it
lmaooo nah i just have a guild kid! you could use one!
Where? In keys? Yeah you’re probably right
What do you consider active. I consider the hunt pretty active lmao
Yikes, people were finally playing tanks and it was noticable in the lack of queue times people always cry about and then blizzard nerfs them to drive people away. Tanks were as fun now as they were in legion when people last played them a lot maybe they should reconsider what they are doing to the least played role.
Except for the DPS, the healers, and probably the tanks.
In keys, in PvP, in your moms bedroom…doesnt matter. Rogues will always be above Ret for the simple reason that Rogues take planning and forethought to play. Ret requires you to press TV when you have the appropriate amount of holy power. Its literally #2 on the brain dead class list just behind BM Hunters.
That is not how any of this works LMAOOO
I think your autocorrect changed BM to Demon Hunter
BrM has been ignored throughout beta, Monk was in the last round of trees added to beta (and it was VERY late) and they’ve done zero iterations on Brewmaster survivability since then, except to nerf a healing talent in the class tree because of Windwalkers (and it never occured to them to have different values for WW vs BrM for that talent).
Everybody was sounding the alarm throughout the entire beta that Brewmasters were in dire need of help, and Blizzard. Did. Nothing.
Then they gave a small HP increase this week, and immediately followed it up with an idiotic across-the-board tank nerf that makes no sense to anybody.
They could turn that 10% nerf into a 20% buff for Brewmaster, and it would still be massively outshone by Prot Warrior and VDH - who were LEAST affected by this round of nerfs.
In six months, maybe.