Did you see Venruki whining and crying in his youtube video about a single guardian druid? The sad part is that this washed up pvper was literally only bursting into the 10 second window of Rage of the Sleeper. It’s 10 seconds, and the other 50 seconds on cooldown Venruki spent whining, but as soon as Rage of the Sleeper was up again, he decided to burst into it again and then raged. Top pvper my as.
Oh yah his brother works for Blizzard so you can see how this went.
I dont bear pvp, it would bore me to death, but notice how everything he whines about in his videos gets nerfed, yet Mages are no triple buffed and one-shotting everyone? Also his alt class WW… what a joke the balance has become.
I agree, like Ive come back after 2 year of break, and now idk id I want to play anymore…
Make changes like this based on only m0 literally makes no sense. They must wait untill at least next week
2 weeks of healers crying about not needing to heal enough and not wanting any downtime to DPS?
I’m really glad I won’t be participating in mythic+ s1 of dragonflight. It’s going to be absolutely dreadful with all these difficulty spikes. Perhaps by season 2 things will be better. Only doing world content, PvP, and the occasional raid if I don’t see more QoL adjustments for mythic+.
This is great! For a while there I was worried people would actually play tanks this expansion! I’m so glad the devs decided to make sure we have a massive shortage of tanks throughout Dragonflight.
The devs only care about raids, and that’s the only place where there is not a tank shortage. So making tanks weaker and un-fun is always on the table for these devs.
Weird. I dont see healer envoker nerfs. Even doing more than h priest in pvp
And h priet buffs. Revert the nerfs from sl.
yeah same way hunters filled when they took away leech from our Pet Mend lame move.
They literally buffed dispatch lmfao.
Its a 0.0-0.2% buff for KIR builds.
Its a 0.0-0.2% nerf for KO builds.
Tank main here for several years now(Prot Pally, DK). Firstly not all tanks needed this nerf. BrM definitely needs to be buffed not nerfed. But I gotta say since I’m maining my Prot pally this time around I am fine with this change. First week my guildies and I cleared all 8 m0’s in 3.5 hours, the 2nd week we did it in under 3 hours. A big part of this was our resto shaman barely needed to heal, they were able to contribute a significant amount to our dps. Brackenhide being the exception due to all the rot damage. As Prot given all the off healing talents in our builds, I can easily keep the party and myself alive while holding threat so the healer can do dps when they’ve got downtime. This is mythic 0 after all.
The across the board nerf to tank seems heavy handed though. As I said BrM need buffs not nerfs, but here’s the thing. This is week 2 of the expac. Almost daily they’ve been putting out tuning fixes making adjustments and dialing all those knobs in. They are actively watching and reacting where they need to. Let’s not forget they already buffed tank threat across the board. So I feel like this is just one step in their tuning process. And as far as BrM is concerned in this pass, I feel like the tuning was applied so that all tanks can start season 1 at the same baseline from a tuning standpoint. This actually gives the dev team more leeway for buffs and future adjustments to the tank meta as the season progresses.
Sure this might seem like a negative change to some, but after all 10% isn’t a huge amount of damage. On what would have been a 50k hit prior that means I take 55k damage now. This doesn’t change our responsibility as a tank for keeping our selves alive… Let’s chain those 55k hits together, say we get 5 in a row… I’m sitting at about 260k unbuffed right now. Previously those 5 hits wouldn’t add up to enough to bring me down. Now however it is, so now I have a chance to use my active mitigation abilities more so than I would have before. If I know in a given 20 second fight the mobs can’t do enough damage to bring me down, I’m not using a big cooldown and instead will hold them for a moment that may never come. To me that’s not fun gameplay. I want a reason to use my abilities to stay alive, I don’t want to just glide through the content without a challenge. Blizzard understands that a lot of the player base feels this way.
In closing I think we are seeing a level of attentiveness that Blizzard has never shown at launch. This is a good thing, we want them engaged and looking for ways to make things better. And also, they’ve already rolled back more than a few badly received changes so I have faith that this is not the only tuning pass they’re going to do for tanks, and if more changes are needed they will be made.
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I mean, just say you dont understand math kid…its okay
In my opinion, they need to lay off all of these daily constant changes to classes. Everyday I have to look at the hotfixes to see what devastation they’ve done to my class. Within the past week warlocks have had their soul leach destroyed by 50%.
These changes need to stop. They need to start just letting it roll, and doing fixes at major content patches. This everyday need to constantly destroy peoples classes isn’t fun. Why give us all of these abilities if they’re just going to reduce them to atoms? Why did I get this talent tree that now 3 of the rows are just useless after the 50% reduction? it doesnt feel good knowing that my class as at the whims of some dumb dumb on a daily basis for reason #7 that they’ll never disclose.
Go level before I templars verdict those ears off kid
Um, no, im not playing a DH, my rogue is lvl 70 and maxxed for PvE and PvP. So im acutely aware that the changes are net zero.
Pistol shot currently does more damage than Dispatch, a finisher should never be out done by a builder, ever. A 6% nerf to Pistol Shot is going to negate any % damage gain to Dispatch.
I.E moving damage were it should be. Now, go roll your face across your keyboard and claim you are “gud” like the rest of the brain dead Rets
Yeah um… that has been and always will be rogue.
Is this data accurate and recent?
I appreciate this viewpoint quite a bit sir. I agree it doesn’t feel great seeing your class tuned into oblivion on the daily. I personally don’t play DH so I’m not following all the other class changes. Sometimes I do think it feels as if there’s a handful of devs that favor the classes they manage more than others. I also get the sense that a lot of changes to classes the past few weeks are aimed at trying to make pvp more balanced for season 1, with the unfortunate side effect of nerfing the pve experience. I wish they had a better way to silo pvp vs pve tuning so one didn’t also have to affect the other.
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These statements of yours are incompatible. This was a brain-dead, lazy change slapped together before leaving for the weekend.
An across-the-board nerf makes zero sense given the disparities between tanks. None.
I agree. PvP and PvE should 10000000% be separated from each other. PvP should in no way affect my classes abilities or utilities in PvE.
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