Class Tuning Incoming -- December 13

You guys literally see fun and destroy it

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Have fun watching all the Rogues blast you on every meter known to man. At this point you are nothing more than a waste of my time.

Do everyone that is forced to exist around you a favor…dont be an idiot your whole life, aspire to be better.

And have a nice day :slight_smile:

It is so funny that Blizzard always promises to listen to the player’s feedback and then does nothing about it. People don’t want these tank nerfs. A lot of people also want Brewmaster Monk viable in Mythic+, but no. You do the complete opposite and ignore everything that people want. Every. Single. Time. Nothing chances. Blizzard will be Blizzard and constantly ignore player complaints, and then say they’ll do better in the next expansion.

Crazy that all the other tanks are outperforming BrM monks while feeling like their old selves, but BrM monks will never feel like MoP/WoD. Improve stagger increase percentage and the magic percentage, improve ourselves heals. We should not be yoyo our HP. Other tanks are that, brewmaster is not supposed to be that. Also fix the BrM threat against other tanks I should not be at 20% threat against another tank. I should be around 98%.

Also, stop balancing around M0. Balance around VoI and M+.


Yeah, it’s not looking great for M+ healing. Tyrannical, bursting, and grievous on the 2nd week is going to be brutal. Things are going to get really bad when large groups of players realize they can’t do 20’s like they’re expecting. So many M+ players have gotten used to getting the max key level rewards each week. A lot of those same players won’t be able to do that anymore. What’s going to happen when the majority of M+ playeres hit a wall at 17’s?


DH actually have a simple yet complicated rotation, its only a few buttons, but its a massive multivariable equation. One misspressed ability and you spend the rest of the fight punished for it.

Hardly considered easier than literally standing in one spot and pressing two buttons or having the ability to do your entire rotation while moving

Tanks being little more than meat-punching bags and not having relevant gameplay is one of the reasons people dont like playing them.
Your life is in the healer’s hands and your damage in the dps’ hands.
Your job, people then say, is to ‘know the route’. But especially while pugging, the route being ‘know what the group can handle’ when you dont even know these people, is just pull the same stuff as everyone else and hope the group knows what to do.

This is entirely unsatisfying from a game design perspective.
If the tank’s job is to stay alive, it should be in his hands. Otherwise, give them something that is actually a job to do where they can excel and express skill.

Also, many healers would rather not heal the tank, and instead focus on the dps.

I’m not saying the nerf was un-needed, but the philosophy that the tank’s life is in the hands of the healer is something I really wish would die.

Also, you absolutely already need the group to do enough damage to time a key. Making any decision off m0s is short-sighted.


I know for DAMN sure that YOU wouldn’t beat me on ANY meter kid


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LMAO i havent seen a Ret even get remotely close. You think somehow you are special?

Wait…of course you do /facepalm

Listen here you clowns. You leave Guardian alone. You don’t touch Guardian. You talentless garbage tier devs.


Yeah I do remember the feedback during beta. And that WW healing nerf to fix a perceived advantage in PvP just feels ugly to me. A change to a classes DPS spec shouldn’t have a negative impact on the other 2 specs. If I played a monk more I would be disappointed by that change myself. And you’re 100% right about the 10% DR being removed, should have been a strong buff instead. Our monks all rolled dps or heals for DF because of everything you’re saying. I feel your pain, and appreciate you sharing your perspectives.

One thing I think is worth acknowledging is how happy some players are with DF and their classes vs how upset some other players are. Wish Blizzard was better at fixing multiple problems at once rather than piece mailing a lot of their fixes. It’s not fair to the player base that Prot Warriors and Paladins are a blast to play, but at the same time BrM and even Guardian just isn’t as fun for those players who’ve already invested the time in gearing their toons for m+ and raid. I’d be pissed if I spent the last two weeks gearing a BrM with the current issues and then have this nerf dropped on top of it. I feel ya.

ur 1600 please calm down

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Do not touch Guardian Druid. TRASH class devs.

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Should we judge people’s intelligence by how dumb they name their characters?

Yes, yes we should.

Development was rushed and Blizzard plays favorites. We’ve seen it before. During Shadowlands beta they didn’t say a peep about Guardian Druids, but were making multiple posts a week in the Druid thread talking to boomkins about how they could make Convoke the Spirits better. Because it was a pet project of somebody at Blizzard.

And they obviously ran out of time. When they nerfed the Tiger Statue in the Monk class tree, they said “we’re going to try and find something cooler for this talent to do” but then a couple weeks later it was their usual “OOPS WE RAN OUT OF DEVELOPMENT TIME” stunt that they pull every expansion.

Blizzard’s class team is terrible at time management and terrible at pacing their own work.

And frankly, for anybody to be lauding them on their sloppy work is offensive.


Lmao you gotta accept that your bad kid. Admitting you have a problem is the first step!!

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Blizzard makes tanks good, only to nerf them again based on zerg mode mythic 0s while lfr hero healers complained about having nothing to do.

Can’t wait to start kite mode in season 1…

I swear none of your developers actually play the game


Ah, i see…i should be more like yourself and pay for carries, then i can have an opinion right?

FOH clown, your post is both irrelevant and smacks of attention seeking

I just hope that nerf to the tank has been tested in M+ and not because of the pulls that are done on the normal mythic ones!!

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Compared to who? You? LMFAO…farm your own gear then get back to me Retscrub