Class Tuning Incoming -- December 13

Or… the PI casted on others can be dispellable, but the self PI can’t. However, considering Priests are balanced around PI existing, it shouldn’t be dispellable at all.

What did they do that made them less fun?

I’m pretty sure there isn’t a Dev who plays Brewmaster.


This right here.

The (already long) list of healer problems just got longer, and the (already long) DPS queue times did too.

The gogogo mentality is intended by blizzard and isn’t going to change. m+ is designed that way to make it viable as an esport. Not saying I agree with it but it was decided long ago that timed crazy pull chaos was more entertaining to watch than slow thought out pulls.

Insane pulls should be possible with the caveat being that they should be coordinated with the healer and DPS and involve intelligently pulling and gathering the groups.

It shouldn’t involve the tank pulling the entire instance, getting their group members immediately killed by AOE damage, and then soloing the place. There is clearly a difference.

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These changes are sure to get people to play tanks more.


Tanks have been able to do monster pulls without heals for years now. The only thing happening is in the new dungeons there is more aoe group damage than previously so people are dying. The “difference” is a change in new dungeon design not tank tankyness.

Also this is meaningless in m0. In m+ you aren’t going to be doing that since you need your group dps to time the key.


Blizz just make tanks immune to damage, it’s what the players want and will drastically increase the tank player pool.

And everyone knows more tanks playing is better for the game.

This. And now to top that off they want to make it even harder for a healer. And they’re also reducing classes self-healing/absorbs to make it even worse.

I want to know where this data is coming from that is driving these massive chanages. The Raid isn’t live, nor are mythic+ dungeons. None of this is live. Are they using perfect simulations? Using data from Heroics and mythic0s? Using data from PvP?

I hope its not the last 2. Using data from heroics or mythic0s is stupid. The damage done in them is good, but nowhere near what will be coming from the raid and mythic+s. And don’t get me started on using stupid PvP to justify nerfing players utilities in PvE content.


What makes you think any data was involved, at all?

Can somebody concoct a scenario for me where, if data was actually looked at, they decided to nerf all tanks equally across the board?


I actually chuckled when I read this…sad but true man.

Wasn’t even equal either since war got the least nerf…lol.

That was the hidden meaning… Being facetious. As you are most likely correct. No data should have pointed to doing this change.



Thats not how math works…

a 5% buff to one ability and a 6% nerf to another nets a 1% damage nerf…

They arent buffing anything, just moving their damage around a bit…

F’in OOF bois

This was the dev team deciding to do “something” before going home for the weekend, but not wanting to actually put any time, effort, or thought into it.

That it came out on a Friday night just screams as much. (Along with it being a lazy, brain-dead across-the-board 10% nerf, when there’s a world of difference between a prot warrior and a brewmaster, for example.)


The data is the knowledge that they have created all tanks as perfect balanced equals. Since they created them that way. Therefore a flat nerf across the board is logical. Except war who need a slightly lower nerf due to… reasons.

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cause dh is the most op class in the game byfar, pretty simple

weird brew and lock changes but otherwise pretty good. blizz has been surprisingly in touch this xpac

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Ugh…:frowning: I was just starting to love this game again.

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Are you trying to completely remove Guardian Druid from PvP? Cause this is how you remove Guardian Druid from PvP.

Some of these nerfs are infuriatingly out of touch. It’s absurd.

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