Class Tuning Incoming -- December 13

It did go way down from ShL, but in PvP it’s still a pretty massive heal, for the purposes of a self heal.

Nah, not really. Like, you’ll get one decent sized one, but that’s not all that impactful right now. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: At least Enh seems to be cranking damage, though.

this guy gets it.

Especially when you consider that if they get good RNG on Maelstrom Procs, that heal is followed up by a pretty hard hitting instant cast spell less than 3 seconds later (another reason I’m not a huge fan of Enhancement right now, they’re pretty RNG heavy *** or rather they CAN be***).

I mean, you can draw comparisons if you’d like. Ret’s probably the only one with a better self heal, and that’s on a cooldown and shares a debuff with other defensives.

Again, we both agreed Enh needs more defensives. But the healing is a lot. I play a lot of Enhancement, I’d know.

In…arena? Because healing in wpvp and bgs is very, very different.

I guess some never had a mythic wipe with a DH pull the whole mobs all the way down while the healer and dps are play catch only for the mobs switch aggro .

Not every tank in the game does raid and dungeon,some do world content only but now people are not using the one important attribute god gave them.

I have played it in Arena myself, and played with good Enhancement Shamans in Arenas. With the RNG based talent tree, it can be a really insane play, or an absolutely detrimental play.

This is pretty unlikely, though. To go from dumping it on HS to having enough for a big EB would mean having wolves running and ludicrous luck.

In all content, though I do not PvP much, you’d be right about that. My knowledge of the class doesn’t change based on that, so I’m not sure what this attempt is. The healing is nerfed, but a 10 MSW HS with a totem down is still going to nearly full heal you.

Is that so?

Yeah, but that’s a bit of a commitment.

Yes, and I said that when I first responded to complex.

I get the rationale behind nerfing tanks even though I firmly believe this is going to massively backfire once folks who didn’t play/follow the Beta start seeing just how brutal the M+ damage intake across the board is going to be, but if there’s one tank that DIDN’T need this nerf it was Brewmaster. That spec is like going from a Warlock to a Mage; its tankiness is adequate albeit worse than the competition, but in the face of high sustained damage it falls over.


I can’t speak from experience, but if the things I’ve heard regarding BrM are true, I’d have to agree. Maybe they’ll compensate elsewhere, though idk why they wouldn’t do it in the same notes.

I will admit, this IS pre-season stuff I am using for references, which, to be fair, isn’t always a good way to judge it. However, as I said, it’s entirely reasonable to say that this heal being nerfed would warrant the buff of defensive cooldowns for the class.

Feels bad for Brewmasters man lol

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No, that’s not true. People hate playing tanks because it’s not actually fun. You as a tank would have to know more than the average player to do the tougher content, like proper defensive cooldown usage and proper pack pulling routes. That’s the only real reason. This change is bad is because it makes doing instance horrible. It slows the entire game down and makes it unfun. It’s the same problem people had with Shadowlands s1, tanks were paper and fell down and made progression not fun for anyone. DPS become miserable because they can’t really do anything about it either. Healers feel miserable because they cannot play the game, they have no input in the fight because they are spam Flash Healing because the tank cannot sustain themselves. Now imagine doing that with throughput of healing being nerfed this expansion, like Mistweaver where their throughput is only in their DPS. If you have to focus spam heal the tank, he’s just dead.

People do not want dungeons to be a slog. If they want it to be slower paced game, they do not understand the entire concept about what WoW as a game has turned into with Mythic +. All instances now are all designed to be speedrun. You want tanks to feel strong to make more people play them, and have queues be faster. You want them to not be standing around doing one pack at a time. Kiting mobs to live is neither fun for the tank, nor the DPS who are forced to peel. Playing healer and playing tank will just be worse. I do not understand why these people say they feel like doing DPS or using the rest of their kit is a bad thing when there is no damage going out. The most fun part of healing is using your entire kit to it’s fullest with CC and making sure the groups damage taken is minimal, the least fun thing is popping CDs to Flash Heal into the tank constantly in order for them to even live.

Tank incoming damage being high while group incoming damage being high as well reduces the amount of healers who queue. As most DPS drool on themselves and cannot do something as simple as kick a fear that could potentially wipe the party, or dodge AoE circles that are under them, this change will make bad DPS and healers even worse for random groups. The healer will have to pay attention to literally everything.

Group damage is already high. This is not only a bad nerf just because 10% across the board doesn’t make sense for every class, having to actually pay attention to the tank forces healers to heal, and creates a disparity in people who play healers that can actually deal with it. Brewmasters right now aren’t tanky, it already takes 3-5x the amount of mana to keep them alive relative to other tanks. They just got nerfed and they’re already bad. It’s going to make things like Resto Druid even stronger compared to other healers, because they already have the tools to keep people alive through everything. Some classes do not have that raw throughput. Paladin healers right now are looking down the barrel of a gun. The point is the change isn’t conducive to fun. It’s not engaging to any part of the game.

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I had a buddy reroll from Monk Tank (after maining it since MoP), simply because of the fact that it just felt so horrible to play in comparison to literally ANY of the other tanks. It’s a definite feels bad nerf for them. :confused: I really hope they’ll buff Monk tanks in some other way within a couple weeks max. They deserve, and need it.

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I don’t understand, I’ve seen people complaining about how fast everyone is dying in pvp, and their fix is to reduce survivability?

Edit: For the record I haven’t done 70 pvp yet, so this isn’t what I was expecting to see, a blanket tank nerf.

Read some of my previous posts. I give examples and reasonings as to why that isn’t true (For PVP).

Edit: Specifically pertaining to tanks.

Health pools are over 325k unbuffed in just honor gear alone. This isn’t not even factoring in the stamina creep from swapping to conquest gear… 100k crits is to be expected and normal. That is only 1/3rd of your unbuffed health pool…

Secondly, Demon Hunter along with Warrior and the other classes most certainly deserved nerfs on their healing. No non hybrid class should have the ability to heal from 5% to 100% in a single global not even within a couple of globals. The amount of healing from non healer or hybrid classes was out of hand.

It 1) made the need or impact of a healer much lower and, 2) completely imbalances class fantasy and the pro/cons of playing a hybrid class with lesser defenses versus a pure dps class with more defenses and absurd amounts of healing.

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