Class Tuning Incoming -- December 13

There is no way BRM is getting 1 shot in all types of content because they have no survivability and your response is to nerf them even more lol.


Sounds good. Any lower with locks tho and it becomes stupid.

then adjust their pvp damage instead of blanket nerfing them in all content. What kind of excuse is that?


Absolutely terrible tank changes. Like completely clueless. Healers already matter much more because there’s a lot more group damage in M+ this upcoming season. Let’s ruin tanking though. Great work.


No nerf to spear of bastion

Should revert Abom changes if you consider spear to be balanced.

Either give spear the abom treatment or revert the abom limb change.


Why nerf brewmaster? You could buff brewmaster survivability by 10% and it would still be lower than the 10% nerfed demon hunter or warrior.


But why? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


the players want tanks to be inviable in pvp this was a bad post

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This. So many of the changes feel random. Please explain the process behind the nerfs at least.

Design team does amazing job with trees. People are happy with their specs and happy that their tanks are happy.

Tuning team: oh no no no no. Hold my beer.


Spriests have been high S tier in PvP. It was a bit over the top.


Tanks were pulling entire dungeons and never dying while the rest of the party repeatedly died around them due to more debuffs than the healer could possibly dispel and more aoes than anyone could ever see due to everything else covering the ground

They can do to take a little more damage to rein in the unga bunga train a bit

That said, poor Brewmaster getting caught in the crossfire

Also not sure I get the dps survivability nerfs on top of it…


This is your raid week tuning pass? I mean really?

That’s it? I can think of multiple dps specs that are gonna need more attention but okay dudes.

Also it’s hilarious you keep going after Demon Hunter while WW monk lurks in the shadows.


I don’t read “in PvP Combat.” do you?

You can balance pvp and pve separately.


We want healers to play a key role in keeping tanks alive

As far as I know, absolutely nobody wants this except Blizzard for some unknown reason. None of the healers I play with think that spamming heals into the tank in keys is fun gameplay, it’s just repetitive. No tank I know wants this, because tanks are mostly only fun when you can survive on your own.

The insane chain pulling in M0 that leaves the party dying isn’t a viable strategy in keys anyways unless the entire party can handle the pull, since a tank with 4 dead party members is usually just wasting time on the clock unless it’s the very tail end of a fight.


You’re correct, and I should. They’re going to start tuning classes this way because things like this.

Insane Blizzard managed to nerf an entire role that people are complaining players aren’t playing enough of instead of finding a way for more people to play it lol


This is beyond a doubt the dumbest reason I have ever read.


ill still be tanking and spanking with a smile on my face.
and it will not be my fault if a wipe nore the healers