Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

I don’t understand the reason for the nerf on the holy paladin, it’s already a little difficult to heal, next week will be even worse D:


Yea, bad but definitely it the worst haha, that goes to outlaw, they don’t even take the 4 set


My understanding is with these buffs, the outlaw set is actually quite good.

So Arcane is just stuck with the Sunfury then? The difference between it and Spellslinger is huge and these nerfs to Sunfury are barely going to change that.

I don’t get what the point of hero talents is if there’s such a massive gulf between them.

As disappointing as it is to see fury castrated, why stop what you’ve been doing from the beginning?
The first nerf to warriors is always harsh and unnecessary. Furthermore you all have ‘fake’ made haste appear to be useless but what will end up happening is what happens every expansion:
After a few weeks from launch, we cut warriors nads off, then after 2 months or even until the first real patch the theorycrafters will tell us what we already know - “get haste to 30%”
Then blizzard makes a big announcement. (I’m paraphrasing here in advance) Fury warrior damage has been increased by 5% across-the-board (this after the initial nerf of 15%, and possibly a second nerf)
Haste has been tuned to be more important.
See your class guides

In the end, we all need 33% crit 25% haste or 30% mastery right it’s the same every expansion. Or like DF stack crit to as high as 60 which is ridiculous
Why even Nerf in the first place?
Hit percentage would be cool. I knew a dude who was a white hit cap fury warrior. :joy:

You’re nerfing… Arms??? Fury I guess I kind of understand (Not really) but ARMS?! YOU’RE NERFING THE SPEC THAT FEELS HORRIBLE TO PLAY AND DOES TRASH DAMAGE!?? I swear the Warrior team have to be DH players or something there’s no way they play Warrior.

I’ll be a little more direct and say herotalent are Straight up unnecessary

Sure, so essentially the issue was that the initial damage from Primal Wrath does not benefit from Bloodtalons. Making RF benefit from BT made awkward situations where it was actually more damage to use your BT stacks on FB rather than putting up a buffed rip using PW which is not intuitive to the point where most people didn’t realize this was a case unless they tested it. This situation also didn’t come up too often unless getting lots of Apex procs that had you use your BT on the FB procs.

To better give an example, let’s say you have rip on all targets and 3 stacks of BT. Rip is getting close to pandemic range where you would normally refresh but you get multiple apex procs. You use the first 2 on FB, no problem. You have 1 BT stack left and rip is now in pandemic range. In this situation it would actually be more damage for you to send another BT buffed FB instead of doing a BT rip and do a non BT Primal Wrath instead.

This goes against the idea that feral should be all about snapshotting bleeds which is what made it awkward. Honestly, I think they should have just made BT affect the initial damage of PW instead but here we are.


Have you looked at wcl? Lmao fury warrior is at the top big guy.

Fury warrior was top dps this week so far in the new raid. Other classes have far more of their damage wrapped up in their set bonus and won’t be close to catching up for quite a while.

Rogues, Warlocks, and DHs have been at the top for entire expansions without being nerfed. Warrior has been mediocre for 3 expansions in a row and we’re finally strong and instantly get nerfed. On top of that our set bonus is trash, other classes have way more powerful ones.

Wow, a 6% buff to shadow and 5% nerf to Psychic link and that’s it. I’m speechless :no_mouth:.

female neckbeards are still to numerous. You know there is such a complicated notion of overcomplication or over exaggeration for the simplification of equalization. This whole ordeal seems like a desperate prayer to a higher being to rationalize a insignificant thot in the back of the mind of some lesser being.

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Why are we not fixing bm hunter?


How do we apply to the dev team? Cause you all need to be fired. The fact frost mage has 3 1 shot macros currently is tanky as all get out while being the most mobile class and providing 14 roots and aoe perma 50%slow with infinite utility and no downside cause u keep putting non frost abilities in their kit is completely untouched in pvp…

Mistweaver Monks need to be nerfed into the ground -100% healing in WSG.

Should be the top dog damage spec considering it total garbage to play and only has its niche in PvE.

Somehow outlaw despite its massive damage potential is one of the least played specs on the least played class.

Just so you know, more fury warriors had parses than every rogue spec combined lmao

Rogue is a PVP class that isn’t fun in PVE and Outlaw is convoluted/difficult.


?? There are no “PvP” classes

And rogues have been fine in PvE for almost ever until they turned the specs into bloated buff micromanaging jokes


Oh, sure, they’re performing fine in pve, they’re just not fun or popular because their class identity is actually fulfilled outside of pve (pvp).