Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

Ya’ll, Devastation is going to need a lot more than that to even remotely begin to approach competitive.

Heck, even once its damage is finally up to par, it’s still the squishiest class in the game. Even shamans have less of a glass jaw. Being made of glass isn’t very draconic, now is it?

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Except going from 2s to 1s is like a 15% nerf for the spec. Let alone how much its going to slow the spec down. Please stop talking if you dont know what this change actually does.

Slow the spec down? It’ll still be one of the highest apm specs out there, I play it

Even the theory crafters aren’t worried about it, in fact they were the ones who said it was needed

You sure about that?

x com/von_wordup/status/1834707259710226558

It’s pretty unanimously deemed a terrible change thats going to make the spec awful to play.

I’m on the shaman discord, they were pretty much saying it had to be done

You are severely misunderstanding them saying nerfs are warranted, but the way they are going about nerfing it is absolutely terrible

Can you buff kitty damage as resto? Thanks

No, they literally said it had to be done, it was too op and if they didn’t nerf it it would just be kicking the can down the road with aura nerfs

They still kept DKs OP against casters in PVP…

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I’m not saying you’re wrong and I have no idea how to balance it BUT that being said, they were doing too much dmg in PVP.

pvp should have 0 say in pve.

Can we not nerf Arms? Or at least make this not effect PvP.


I mean, their aoe was too much in pve

Yet burst is all they have? Outside of it the damage is… weak.

You wrong on this one buddy :slight_smile: all changes effect pvp unless they add “does not effect pvp”. You learned something today.

I mean, they managed to be well ahead on overall dmg for the raid, that’s why they’re getting toned down

Completely. Warriors are SUPPOSED to be stronger since we bring minimal to the table and play an extremely risky class. Every mechanic hurts melee. Should be the bonus of playing a dangerous class, we do 3-5% more damage than everyone else.

Just sit back and play a mage never moving for a mechanic… so dumb.


Are ya’ll tryin to ruin Shadow in AoE on purpose?

Completely fictitious numbers and napkin math, but bear with me.
Let’s say your average player manages to get 512k DPS on a single target.
512×0.3=153.6 dps to each adjacent target being affected by Psychic Link.
Changes come in. Single Target is now ~542.7.
542.7×.25=135.7 dps to each adjacent target being affected by Psychic Link.

The contribution to AoE from Psychic Link goes down, despite the primary damage going up. After the changes, it’ll be 88% as much damage dealt to affected enemies. Those enemies will be taking more damage from applied DoTs, but only 6% more.

This is a nerf to Shadow’s AoE while it’s already suffering, and is entirely uncalled for.


Eh, it’s not the end of the world, it’s about -.9% at 12 targets

These changes were good; it’s nice to see buffs/nerfs not be absolutely MASSIVE swings, and instead be minor and small dial changes.

Would like to see our tier set changed to feel more impactful, as currently we have the weakest (or 1 of the weakest) sets by a large margin.

Having said that, very minor overall, deserved, and nerfing everything else that was up with us kind of just ensures we all move down evenly closer to the middle/lower pack without anyone feeling extremely busted.