Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

Once again nerfs that are based on top-tier-world-first content creators that live in WoW. I guess Blizzard decided to go back to the minuscule amount of monthly subs by once again catering to the wrong audience. And there I was, believing they would actually make the game playable by all again.
Good luck explaining it to your shareholders.

Vote with your wallet, lads.


This is a bit much for a deserved nerf to an overperforming spec.


Resto druids need way more of a buff than this. We’re in a terrible state right now. We’re liabilities in M+ and the raid. If I was running a raid, I would take literally zero resto druids and sacrifice having innervate.

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We all know this is to make other classes/specs better until the next patch where they switch up which class/spec is currently better. They do this all the time saying ‘balance’ and ‘tuning’. It’s always been like this. Heaven forbid every class be fun and viable.

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<stares at the massive buffs for pvp BM hunters and wonders wtf you’re talking about>

Balance should never be done around being proud to play wrong.

Just wanna say I am very glad you guys did not destroy disc or pres and instead sought to bring other healers up in pvp by increasing their damage and also increasing healing for some. That’s an extremely good decision that we honestly don’t see for pvp healers often, normally it’s nerfs to the strongest which leads to healing feeling bad again. Pres got nerfed but it’s not massive at all, I am surprised fire breath didn’t get hit at all though but we’ll see how it does after this, being careful with pres nerfs is necessary anyway.

Very happy with this healer tuning for pvp though. Good job there.

I ran the new raid. I had to PUSH to keep up with the other healers. I topped out some, i was the middle of the pack others. Why on Gods green earth are you nerfing Holy heals? Which are already situational on if we have the ability to stand in melee, for most fights?!

What’s the reasoning here? Literally on par with the other raid healers but some how we got a healing nerf? Did you just decide that Holy Paladin shouldn’t be doing as much healing as the rest of common raid healers.

Out with the pally’s in with the druids. Just like the last 3 Xpacs.

Amazingly brain dead.

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Glad to see no impact whatsoever for the Demo warlock or BM pets… They still stand there for 2-6 seconds before attacking, can get kited or ranged during their attack animation, restarting their animation after just getting in range again, kited more, and end up doing no damage whatsoever. Just remove the pet classes if this is what you are doing for the demo , BM, and Unholy players.

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You can’t say “brain dead” while also making an incorrect statement based on your gameplay which is probably not what the tuning is based on.

I think the nerf is fine but I would’ve liked to see the healing absorb from lotm removed and just have it be pure holy shock healing increase, maybe turn one of them into “holy shock makes your next X spell splash heal” or something. Really don’t like the negative attached to those talents it’s just not necessary when hpal basically only does single target healing outside of some cleave healing with herald.

I don;t think the people at Blizzard actually play the game, they probably just look at a chart and tell some intern to fix it.


What are you even talking about lmao. You get your knowledge from where exactly? The 2/8 bosses you’ve killed on lfr or what? I’m not trying to be rude but man you guys say some of the most questionable things sometimes just because you see some changes you either don’t like or don’t understand. Not all of them are perfect or good obviously, but to say something like that is pretty wild

You say massive. SO a 40k shot is getting buffed … making it now do… 49k. Meanwhile pets don;t attack, can be snared, trapped, killed by one arms warrior spin to win, scared, feared, ice nova, etc… and we’re supposed to feel good about a barbed shot and a kill command that still does no where near the damage of any other class? Troll somewhere else. BM is 1600 top tier on ratings… everyone else is 2200+

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right… Shammy’s topped the meters, but God forbid Holy was able to get a close second

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Seriously. Class is weak enough as it is, go ahead and kick them when they’re down.

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hunters complaining is not about single target. The moment you add a 2nd target to hit BM’s damage goes from decent to non existant compared to every other class. When you add 5 targets you can’t even tell were using beast cleave. This has been an issue with the start of every expansion for the last 2-3 when they try and overhaul BM. We get left with undertuned aoe and decent to high end ST damage.


BM remains the worst class to play in all game modes except solo delves but even so, pets are still stunned, trapped, or otherwise immobilized in the delves so as to make BM dps the absolute worst in the game.


There has been no fixes for every pet class… Demo, BM, Unholy, the pets (making up a majority of damage) have serious problem with dying, not attacking if the enemy moves or kites thus restart attack animations, or simply stand there because no path could be found. We all reported these bugs in Alpha, again in Beta, Again during Early Access, and again during every patch… but they have done nothing. I changed to destro on warlock, don;t even play dk anymore, and only BM when i’m tired of two shotting every class in PVP as MM. This is the worst season possible for pet classes and is worth unsubbing until next season to see if they ever fixed it.

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where is the BM cleave dmg buff??? or we have to wait til November for that?


I am astonished at the lack of sens regarding pvp tuning. I know and I understand that it requires skills to be able to play around interrupts and stuns… but here’s my point

Casters are disadvantaged by miles compared to melees.
Stun for stuns, fear for fears, it’s all fun and games. but when it comes to interrupts, it is unplayable. Why can’t casters have a counter for melee, since they have interrupts for casters? It is only fitting that the classes are balanced regarding the gameplay impairement.

IF it is not thinkable, then can you reduce the damage of instant melee ablities? I mean… they are instant and they deal more damage than a channeled and interruptable spell…

Also, Monk’s uppercuts (the knock up) applies a slow fall, preventing the casters for casting for a longer period of time. It doesn’t apply to all characters, is it a bug? if not, can you remove it to balance the class a little?

Please nerf the cd on anti-magic shield. IF you don’t want to do that, at least remove the immunity to debuffs. it is unbearable, even more if we consider the massive amount of damage output (which you buffed!?)

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