Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

Delves are being looked at for changes today

i dont play holy pally by why was all of their healing nerfed 6% while resto shamans get damage buffs

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They don’t really seem to tune for M+ (so far there is only M0 anyway), it’s usually just the raid. MM seems to be doing well in dungeons at the moment. SV does too, but that’s an entirely different playstyle.

Only for groups, not solo play (per other commentors).

That nerf affects solo customers as well.

(And we are starting to go in circles here, topic wise).

I mean, you can’t just have a spec go unchecked because it would make one part slightly worse

I just want MoH buffed for brewmaster so it’s competitive with Shado-Pan atleast in M+ again.

Please don’t forget we exist for another entire expansion. :slightly_frowning_face:

Bro, why are you forgetting DH like that? DH is far from being average in raiding, just look at the statistics. You are buffing classes that are already top tier. And in pvp? A nerf? DH has less than 2% representation in ranked high rank. Besides, DH has almost no visual change in skills like other classes did from DF to WW

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seems heavy handed.

50% less proc and 50% less reduction? those are big numbers.

Nobody is advocating for that.

The ramifications of devs’ solution “fixes” though tend to ignore certain customers, when it is applied. Almost like the devs focus is micro lasering on just certain things (log files, etc.).

The “pain” of a fix should be distributed across the whole customer base.

(And we are really repeating ourselves, at this point.)

Are you all clueless at blizzard?


Is that even a nerf for Outlaw? That looks like a pretty sizeable buff to their weak tier set.

Many people don’t know because there just aren’t many playing Outlaw right now but it is doing unethical amounts of damage in mythic right now.

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Of all healers to buff they buff the S tier resto shaman because it was not meta enough I guess.


Absolutely based aff nerfs. We love to see it.

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How about you guys not take the classes playstyle out back and gun it down like this, find some other way to tune the spec or change the tier set that is the actual problem.

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I love paying a multi-billion-dollar company monthly for the privilege to beta (player) test an unfinished game for the next 2 years. So, they can just flush everything (our progress/feedback) and do it all over again next expansion.

Thanks Ion!


This would have just been a pervasive problem if they didn’t nip it now.

Yes it sucks, but it would have led to constant aura nerfs if they left it

This is lunacy. I am sick and tired of forcing damage on healers. As a holy paladin, my job is to keep people alive not to dps the damn boss. This is next level dumpster fire and blizz wonders why they can’t keep a less toxic playerbase.

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The node isint an issue when you arent doubling the amount of wolves you spawn. This is just going to suck after this tier when they inevitably dont buff it back into usable state.

Is this even enough of a buff for balance? I’m seriously ask we were literally doing aug damage on some raid fights.

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We’ll see, I don’t think hitting a cd less is that big of a deal