Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

Did they even/ever fix the Between the Eyes bug that’s been going on?


I’m aware (as I’ve already opined about on this topic). Still sucks for everybody affected, and not just those who the nerf was targeted for.

Just want to bring awareness to the devs reading this, who focus exclusively on “the logs” when making their nerfing decisions, that not all of their customers care about “the logs”, but still pay the same $15 that those who do care, but are affected by their decisions, when attempting content that is hard for them to do.

How did you guys pick these buffs and nerfs. Like throwing a dart at random

Frost mages? Unchanged
Disc priest. Unchanged

Nerf Hpal healing but increase dmg. If you want it to be like a ret just delete it instead. Let healer heal and dps dps.

Nerf ret? Is anyone even playing as ret in PvP atm? Latest data shows it’s very underrepresented atm and now likely will be less so. Not even viable in arenas. No mobility. Low Cc.

Warriors got off easy but heading the right direction. Needs a small nerf to self heals. Nothing drastic. But shouldn’t be healing as much as healers as a dps class

Evoker healing needs nerfs today. Not Tuesday. Today. 30% across the board

Mm needs increase CD for rapid fire by 5 seconds. It’s just way too op currently

Pres nerfs needed

Both assassination and subtlety rogue need dmg reduction on bleeds. 6-10%


BM hunter in m+ is like absolute garbage tier, bm hunter and shadowpriest are the 2 that are on the bottom of most popular tier list places. Sure BM hunter does well in single target, but thats about it. BM hunters are battling the tank for dmg in aoe situations, and that shouldn’t ever be happening in my books, dps are supposed do the dps not the tank


The logs are what matters when it comes to nerfing and buffing, not feelcraft


Who’s feedback exactly? You still use Primal Wrath in AoE and Ferocious Bite with Apex procs.

How does this reduce the value of maintaining Rip when you mainrain Rip via Primal Wrath?


nope. it hasn’t even been acknowledged, nevermind fixed. don’t hold your breath


There it is. Took you a while to ramp up.

Yeah, you could be right. But meanwhile they are nerfing my spec, while there is still a major bug to one of our hero talents which is severely already nerfing us from what we were, and the fix for that bug isn’t planned to come out til 11.0.5, at which point there changing alot about the spec anyways so who freakin knows where it will be at then. It is beyond me how they can let a bug they introduced go until november, but have the time to do these kinds of balancing passes. Instead of nerfing enhancement and arcane any further than they already have they need to put their energy into buffing/fixing fire mage, boomy, rogue specs besides outlaw, etc, etc.

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(off the top of my head)

On Judgment and Crusader Strike through Avenging Crusader talent, but they nerfed the transfer amount to keep its healing the same, and on Hammer of Wrath (buffed 20%) through Veneration talent.


JFC what a god damn clown show


Specs need to be balanced around each other, content needs to be balanced around specs

For spec balance you look at how they perform, logs, for content balance you need to look at how it feels

Delves are too hard for some specs, therefore they need to be balanced for those specs, but class balance is a numbers game not a feel game

100% agree. I do not know where their data points are coming from, but its clearly not internal QA. Or if it is they are doing a poor job, because player data points are not nearly diverse enough yet for these constant tweaks.


There is already 10s of thousands of logs… plenty of info

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I wouldn’t disagree with this, but this is not usually what we see, especially this time around.

But… for the most part it is… enhance over performing, enhance nerfed

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massive aoe nerfs and single target for fury warrior

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logs that don’t have trinkets, dont have tier sets, don’t have repeated fights to see how the breakdown changes as players master mechanics. They have essentially one data set, 3 sets if you decide to separate out RF, N, H. Statistics and data is an iterative process, you can not possibly know enough to be sure these changes are necessary from one week of data. I mean the bugs they introduced with the last balance patch they did, and the horrible state of delves from yesterdays patch i think speak enough to prove my point that they are making these changes too quickly without enough data/testing.


Seems like log files were looked at, and a nerf decision was done, while content (Delves) was not also changed as part of a whole nerf package.

I mean, they always do this after heroic week, have for years.

Sets are mostly 5% and people already farmed their trinkets as dungeon trinkets are mostly the go to this tier