Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

WHYYYYYYY?!?!?!!?! Why are you guys nerfing retribution? WHY?! wings on death in raid means nothing when we get more gear.

On days that I’m wearing my tinfoil hat I think/opine that they do these kind of things on purpose, in a ‘psyop’ sort of way, to move the customer base around between classes/alts, to keep them from getting bored and leaving.

Otherwise, yeah, they do weird decision things sometimes. If you pull back and look at this at a 30,000 foot/meta sort of way, it looks like they just generally/generically didn’t like how much damage output AOE was doing, so they hit any class that had good AOE.

Ret is just not having a fun time this expansion… jeez


Fury isn’t just “good aoe” it was miles ahead


And the other AOE classes/specs?

My point was just that the change didn’t happen to just one class/spec, but it was a dev decision made about AOE damage, regardless of the class/spec.

And yeah, just to repeat myself, as someone who struggles in Delves and doesn’t do M+/Raiding, its a punch to the groin area for me that I wasn’t even ‘abusing’ to need to be nerfed on. :slightly_frowning_face:

Its a nerf what do you mean. A substantial one at that


We need AOE buffs


Why are they buffing Enhancement shaman by 4% when its a top tier spec?

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It’s a 2-7% nerf

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I mean, I’m not saying they shouldn’t buff other specs, but fury was over performing


Did you not see our cdr from witch doctor cut in half?

In overly hard Delves?

3 days of raids before WW starts getting snipes for nerfs? Sigh.


Their aoe was over performing in the whole game, they don’t balance for just one piece of pve content

If you want to heal any arena while not being a pres or disc, you’re trolling yourself and your team

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…did you miss the part where dark ranger is getting an entire rebuild next patch?

Here we go again! Way too heavy handed on the nerfs! Why can’t you let Arcane be a decent spec for once!? I’ve been maining an Arcane Mage for almost 20 years and this is like only the third or fourth time it’s felt good to play.

For context:

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People would probably like something now, not a month from now


It’s way too early for these changes, it’s all knee jerk right now. Most players haven’t even done normal yet let alone heroic, the sample size is way too small and made up almost entirely of top end players who rush endgame content early.