Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

Oh for sure, but needs a bullet to the head in PVP instead of a slap on the wrist. Yeah a tiny bit of tuning, but I stand by what I said.

It does with a fringe talent called avenging crusader.
Most pallys dislike it.

Judgment, nothing else except if you trade wings… Which no wants want.

Its a crazy nerf for 1 freaking fight



I will try to provide an objective feedback to monk changes. Hope all MW community supports this post. It will be from a PVP perspective.

Can´t include links, but data can be seen in drustvar. From this source MW monk is:

  • 6th played helaer in 3v3, with 15 monks within top 1000 in US (4.98%)
  • 6th played healer in Soloq, with 10 players above or 1800 in US (3.18%)
  • Blitz, yes, 1st played healer.

Not going to enter in other clases (kidding), but it is obvious that we have overperforming healers not being touched in this changes (i.e DISC PRIEST) or Pres Evoker even getting buffed (yes buffed in damage, when a pres evoker can kill me alone in arena).

Please, as a Customer, I would like to understand how tuning is done. We (I believe I can speak for the community) do not understand how are we getting a nerf for peaceweaver (60secs reduction of revival to 30secs reduction) and only a 3% healing buff to all spells.

How a 3% healing buff does any difference to the current status of MW monk? speaking of Caster MW monk, ofc. How, are we getting a nerf to a spell that has been alreay nerfed in healing and now also we get more CD when even now the use of this spell is meaningless?

Look blizzard, I get it. You now encounter a situation where balancing 4 brackets (2v2, 3v3, soloq, blitz) is hard! even 2v2 is not a bracket but im including it. But this is not our problem as Customers and players. Is like employees are not playing the game, not seeing what is happening rigth now, but let me tell you: anytime you que arena, you rather face a disc priest or a pres evoker. And when you face these clases in high rating, is an autoloose.

I know 20th anniversary is comming and changes will be done there,.but common. Are MWs going to wait A MONTH to even be able to do something in arena? but hey, also counting that we are already nerfed in ligthing damage (LOL).

We have been a whole expansion in DF praying for changes or a redesing of the class and instead of that we are getting even worse.


again, give some love here so we get attention.


Its maybe 1-2% for storm. It will be still be the better preforming spec.

That’s about a 5% overall buff to Ferals which are roughly 10% behind so a nice step in the right direction, but I expect to see one more small buff for the kitties next time.

And, MW die again! It’s going to be 7 years as the worst healer in arena, huh guys! I think that’s already an unbeatable record. You could leave it good for at least 1 season, right? Just so we can feel what it’s like to be happy playing WoW. We only had Cocoon and Revival as CDs. Now we only have Cocoon and a weak Cocoon. We need DVs who play real PVP. Because these changes are completely disconnected from reality.

Look at the Check pvp

Okay, the data. Is it MW that needs a nerf? Is that really what you’re seeing?


they posted this morning that they got a bunch of negative feedback on the changes on the difficulty of delves as a whole and are looking to address them later today


the madmen actually nerfed rogues LOL


Eh, I don’t like storm, I play elementalist

I’ll have to see what they end up doing, but it doesn’t mean/guarantee that they’ll make Delves easier to compensate, only that they are "aware of the situation"™.

They are still taking away DPS for trash mob packs from Warriors, as of the time of this comment being posted, so lets hope you are right and they come through on what you said, because I’ll hate being stomped on to correct for others who do activities I don’t even do in the game that they do.


Maybe one day Pack Leader BM will get some love…one day…


Zero changes to hunter? BM is basically unplayable in dungeons due to how poor their AoE is, but not a single change. Feels pretty bad man.


This is to the haters. Yes Fury is overperforming right now… BECAUSE STUFF ISNT ALIVE LONG ENOUGH IN MOST CONTENT FOR OTHERS TO DO DMG OR the others are missing necessary gear to shine their brightest. The hunters crying must have missed most of the last few expansions where your ST dmg was the highest out of most classes pushing 3 buttons.


None of the changes they made to delves last night affected solo (aside from the 20% spell reduction) so if they don’t touch that again, this is a pretty significant nerf to our ability to burst delve packs before they burst us.

I for one am looking forward to being mid-tier or worse once 4-piece bonuses are proliferated, since ours is one of the worst for the second season in a row. But maybe the single-target will carry still.

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Do they even pay attention to their own game? Why are enhancement shamans getting buffed, while many other classes are getting nerfed? Enhancement is killing it right now. Beyond nonsensical. This, combined with the horrible delve patch makes me think that QA is completely nonexistent at blizzard at this point.

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Enhancement is a net nerf, 2 to 7.5% depending on build

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The irony is that I just finished with my Afflic Lock, and was going to start leveling on my Fury Warrior (as my #1 alt). /sigh

They are always very kneejerky with their buffs and nerfs. It is always funny to me that the ones in the middle of the pack are usually the ones getting nerfs or buffs too. Never the outliers. They either want a spec to be meta, or they want it in the dumpster lol!

Again, this wouldn’t happen if every class had a proper dev that understood it, and understood how the numbers worked. Nah just a blanket team that forgets some even exist.


I mean, the majority of these are to outliers