Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

Well, BM is officially just going to have to wait a whole month for any changes. Crazy that this is somehow acceptable.


i agree with Frost.

the Anti Zone shield needs to be nerfed 100%

Why you keep nerfing my classes, i play Frost DK you nerf Frost DK, i reroll to Ret Pal you nerf Ret Pal


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I’ve pulled close to 4 million on trash packs as Survival

That’s not true—Hunter was one of the best classes in Vanilla. Hunters, Druids and Warlocks were the only classes in Vanilla that could solo grp content, while Warrior was the worst. They gave us plate armor, claiming it meant higher survivability, but we had no healing, and spells cut through our armor like butter. I remember in Vanilla, no one wanted Warriors because they were stressful for healers, and we had no raid buffs or utility. Fury Warriors could do decent damage, but only at the cost of taking more damage. Overall, Warrior was by far the worst class in Vanilla.

Which reinforces my point that arcane aoe is trash tier yet they’re nerfing it’s ST the first week of m+ and mythic raids, thus proving again that they don’t understand the spec they designed.

On second thought I was dooming a bit hard here. Arcane is still performing very well and it’s unlikely that frost’s throughput will compete except for in situations where a flat damage profile is preferred. My complaints regarding the instability caused by tuning still stands though. There is no reason blizzard should be surprised to see the state of balance going into mythic week. Also frost could really use some love, its miserable to play at high haste or high latency.

Or at least fix their crappy AOE
It’s just embarrassing.


Who hurt you…?


meanwhile in shadow priest land…

we could use another 12% overall damage increase and we still wouldn’t be in the top 10.

I love it when classes are balanced around the top performers in group content and not the average person out in the world trying to get their daily stuff done.

Im not sure about PVE, but in PVP, theyre broken op.

Really?! In what reality does white damage pop on the radar as problematic?! Do you hate Outlaw Rogues that would prefer two one-handed weapons instead of the dagger off-hand that min/maxers shove up their noses?

Gotta be the worst take I’ve ever seen… “play this way to learn your character abilities–but when you hit max lvl, forget everything you thought you knew and play a completely different playstyle, and NEVER look back”

What do you mean? Im top HPS easily in raids.

ok if you say so