Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

Nerfing specs this much before mythic+ and mythic raids is incredibly foolish on Blizzard’s part. I think what really happened is someone finally noticed arcane was good for the first time in like a decade and Blizz said “oh no you did-unt.”


No… BM is trash and is reliant on all pet dmg. Hunters are not welcome in my groups if BM or melee.

Was kind of refreshing seeing Arcane Mages in the burst list but they were already fading on longer fights.

I’ve seen some Arcane mages 580+ pulling 1.6m AoE.

Because Blizzard doesn’t understand how arcane works and they designed it.

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Which is trash when you have ret, ww, demo etc pulling 3-4m on the same pack.

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Feral Druids: “Actually, Bloodtalons creates a meaningful skill floor that allows proper skill expression to separate good players from bad ones.

Actual Feral Druids: “Please revert this change! It made using Bloodtalons too complicated!!

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You do you :smiley:

So is demo warlock.

All classes need much fixing this ex-pack was rushed and almost all classes have big issues all 3 DK specs are very unbalanced with the new hero talents like most classes

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tunning…look what they did to my boy

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Well they are nerfing Paladin Dawnlight by 15% which is About 60% of Paladin dmg next to Divine Storm which is 30% of all paladin dmg. Soooo were geting hit pretty hard even though there are increasing Judgement by 10% Which wont make up for the Dawnlight nerf. our AoE is about the be trash.

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Will do! I originated as a Surv/MM Hunter hybrid in BC. What they are now are an abomination. lol

lol. I guess it’s your opinion. Good thing it doesn’t matter except to you.

It matters to more people than you know :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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So does buffing them :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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Oh I’d say there hatred for hunters goes as far back as Legion

Try Vanilla.

This makes questing with a resto Druid much easier.

come on man

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