Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

Revival gets nerfed again but it’s 2024 and paladins still have bubble. But nah let’s nerf monks yet again because they’re clearly overpowered. :thinking:

Honestly I think blizzard seriously messed up by giving a choice of which hero talents to pick. Too many variables to balance now. They should have just assigned each spec for each class a hero tree, maybe expanded each a bit and/or made each hero talent significant instead of just stat boosts. Or they could have combined the MoP system with the current system and given a 3 tier choice type thing. But having to choose between different types of hero talents is putting them on their backfoot with balancing and no matter what they do now it’s going to irritate a significant portion of their playerbase.

Just remember, it’s likely the next expac’s talent tree will incorporate these hero talents, any they will come along with new ones to fill the space.

Don’t Nerf wither like that blizz, 5-10% maybe but don’t drive it into the ground when it is a fun playstyle. PLEASE PLEASE revert it.

I mean, if you look at logs arcane isn’t even the top right now. Enhancement/fury have the highest logs, the average across all logs puts arcane in the #2 spot. with a 4% aura buff, even with the nerf to feral spirits, i think enhancement will take the top. Ret in 4th only received a small nerf to one ability so they’re another candidate for top spot now. All this tuning and constant hotfixes is just getting old. and then in october there are more MAJOR changes coming to lots of specs. give us a chance to like… actually play and enjoy the new hero trees/classes before they go on a nerfing spree. I just think they set themselves up for failure with alot of the class design this expac and are now making kneejerk reactions to try to fix it. Biggest example: in beta the SF hero talent mana cascade - 1% haste stacking to 10 times. It was the same for fire, but they ran into an issue. Fire was running OOM with that much haste. Blizzards response? Nerf it to half that for fire only. Instead of coming up with another solution they essentially destroyed fire for the foreseeable future because they have too much on their plate, and not enough internal QA

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So Outlaw is nerfed more. I/ve got 3-4 Outlaw Rogues still sitting in Valdrakken because I really didn’t need the frustration. This just confirms.
I’ll find/craft some decent daggers and/or swords and convert to Assassin Or Subtlety and be done with the nonsense.
If they ever fix them, it’s a fun spec fun to play but not worth the aggravation

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did anyone mention the rogues using singular focus to one shot people for 30 mil… Was this fixed… OR when a 70 priest doesnt die because of the reflect shield…

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Warriors doing 1.25M SUSTAINED dps on my mythic raid team while paladins 10 ilvls higher and also doing optimal rotation with 2 set Shield of Vengeance>Blessing of sacrafice damage padding are just barely scraping into 1.1M. It does need a nerf


Buff BM hunters. PLEASE BLIZZ.


The most, if not only, well reasoned take in the entire thread and I don’t even play Hunter. Have a gold star.

People have always had a hatrid for hunters, and since SL, I feel as though it’s just gotten worse and worse and worse with the nerfs. It’s as though Blizz wants us to forget they exist. We’re just tossed into a corner.

That’s my point. BM rn is only ST. And that’s it. We have no other uses. And NOBODY will pick us up for that. I love doing M+ and with it starting this week, I can forget it. I’m going to have to go with my mage and it SUCKS. I love my hunter way more and I have to toss it aside if I want to play the content I WANT to play.

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That’s because they left click while they have the boss targeted while the rest of the group is buffing/eating/waiting for someone/afk for bio break…

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You mean right click yeah?

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[quote=“Direclaw-aerie-peak, post:440, topic:1954931, full:true”]
You mean right click yeah?[/quote]

Yeah lol. That’s what I meant. I have my mouse set up the other way, so I was thinking like I play lol

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15% reduction in Dawnlight?, y’all are smoking something. And see you’re nerfing Warriors back into the ground lol. World of Nerfs. Glad Arcane Mage is getting huge nerf. More fine tuning for making a Meta comp again for M+.

Good, BM belongs as a leveling spec and no where near raid or M+.

No, the hatred started when the made survival melee. I started as a Hybrid Survival/MM hunter in BC and it was the most fun spec to play in Raids. Then they decided to make Survival melee and made BM relevant in

Silly thing to say. Opinions though I guess


ST yes, but our aoe is still trash level. Significant nerf to ST while zero buffs to aoe is simply bad tuning.