Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

Resto Druid gonna need more than an 8% buff, just sayin

i dont understand why they keep nerfing and taking away from paladins. they arent even remotely near the top of the pack for damage. they took away the one useful aura for retribution. sun hero JUST got most of its bugs fixed and now theyre nerfing it. like why? what did paladin do to blizzard?

hpu facts i recognize your name ive played with you bit. Its totally true monks are crazy! if you dont have a monk, rogue, or dragon your team is probably cooked on ctf.

fr what the he// is this its like these dudes not even playing the game and what about pvpers already dealing with op mobility classes like dragon boys

ferals always destroy warriors 1v1 why are you buffing them even more they hit me twice with ferocious bite and rip for 6 mil with the bleeds…


Missiles damage was already way weaker than Blast and Barrage damage and you’re nerfing it more than you’re nerfing Blast; why?

We clip every single channel of Missiles not being buffed by Aether Attunement, please fix this by lowering the channel time of Missiles down to the GCD.

Death Knights as a whole need to be buffed. Yes the San’layn over all needed this adjustment but Frost is doing almost no damage right now while Reaper’s Mark is off cool down.

The same can be said for unholy. While a number of things factor into the spec as a whole it is currently under performing far below a lot of other classes. I’m curious to see if these changes make San’layn Unholy the go to, but as a while there is just very little the class can do right now in terms of keeping up with damage.

All of these changes always seem pretty random to me. I play a lot of alts and rarely feel like the changes they put in are merited. I can only assume this is because the changes are based upon people doing raids complaining about how this or that class was unfairly outperforming them on their DPS meters.

Which means it is based upon how the class performs under the influence of all of the stacked up group buffs, and has nothing at all to do with how difficult it is for that class to do solo or small group content.

I don’t feel overpowered, but ok :confused: nerfs are lame especially when I have to face tank everything :sob:

Warranted, but…
A) Why isn’t this PvE only?
B) Where are the compensating Spellslinger buffs?

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Not One to post on forums often, but i am a bit concerned about the lack of PVP tuning towards healers. Below i have linked the healer % at a decent rating to start our season with an AMAZING high % of disc priest (Some over 50%) of all healers are disc which is just crazy and yet they are untouched. Mistweavers got a tune to there ability to pump in Battleground Blitz, IN EU Prev/Mistweaver are = first at time of posting for class representation Disc is so fair ahead of any other healer i am struggling to understand why they were left untouched.

Where as Holy Priest / Mistweaver Monk seem to fall behind so much more than other healers.

Happy to link more data in this argument, i ignored 2v2 / battleground blitz purely to save time but 2v2 disc healer is 42% and 50.22% of healers in US/EU.

US - Solo Shuffle Healer Representation (1800+) (2900 Player Pool)
#1 Disc Priest 322 (46.73%)
#2 Prev Evoker 182 (26.42%)
#3 Holy Paladin 61 (8.85%)
#4 Resto Shaman 45 (6.53%)
#5 Resto Druid 45 (6.53%)
#6 Mistweaver Monk 22 (3.19%)
#7 Holy Priest 12 (1.74%)

EU - Solo Shuffle Healer Representation (1800+) (2894 Player Pool)
#1 Disc Priest 369 (52.27%)
#2 Prev Evoker 168 (23.8%)
#3 Resto Druid 59 (8.36%)
#4 Holy Paladin 44 (6.23%)
#5 Resto Shaman 26 (3.68%)
#6 Holy Priest 24 (3.4%)
#7 Mistweaver Monk 16 (2.27%)

US - 3v3 Healer Representation (Top 1000 Players)
#1 Disc Priest 111 (34.69%)
#2 Prev Evoker 93 (29.06%)
#3 Resto Druid 39 (12.19%)
#4 Resto Shaman 31 (9.69%)
#5 Holy Paladin 22 (6.88%)
#6 Mistweaver Monk 18 (5.63%)
#7 Holy Priest 6 (1.88%)

EU - 3v3 Healer Representation (Top 1000 Players)
#1 Disc Priest 115 (37.58%)
#2 Prev Evoker 106 (34.64%)
#3 Resto Druid 31 (10.13%)
#4 Resto Shaman 24 (7.84%)
#5 Holy Paladin 20 (6.54%)
#6 Mistweaver Monk 5 (1.63%)
#7 Holy Priest 5 (1.63%)


You’re joking right? You added an extra 3% nerf on top of the already insanely harsh nerfs? Warrior is just not allowed to ever be good is it? Gotta make sure Warlocks keep their top spots since Vanilla I guess.

And the bosses are immune to our CCs which seems so fair.

because there are 7 warriors in the top 100 in arena. need to reduce those numbers.

No one cares about PvP. These nerfs are affecting PvE. If it was for PvP then it should be only for PvP. Which it obviously isn’t I get your joke but I don’t doubt that that’s part of it.

And the fact that beast mastery pets are running wild. :smiley:

raises hand Can I just be centered in my portrait so it looks like I’m not barely peeking over the edge of the frame?


Is this where I can make an argument for a buff of Single Minded Fury!?! Or even make furys mountain thane a bit stronger to compensate?!

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Tf wrong with you? Why nerf spriest aoe? Not one person ever said dam man, spriest sure does cleave these dungeons well.

I 100% Agree with what you said.