Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

Can yall stop nerfing the class/spec I picked?

Sweet green jesus. Beta ended a month ago.

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I expected fury nerfs to come, even though tier sets will filter them out from the top anyways. I can’t believe that Blizzard devs INTENTIONALLY decide to do the lazy thing of blanket nerfing when they could instead be tuning hero specs that are borderline unplayable. Remember when they said that this WOULDN’T be like covenants? That the hero trees would be competitive? Yeah, that was just something they flat out lied about, I guess. Do what you have to do to sell race to world first, I guess.


i appreciate u (:

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blanket nerfs lol you can just tell they dont pvp or play the game

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Please look at the cheesy, zero counterplay nonsense Monks are doing in battlegrounds. We’re seeing Monks (1) fly across rated BG blitz maps and (2) mighty ox kick people into the air and juggle them into the EOTS abyss using jade lightning knockbacks that seemingly have no diminishing return.


Wow its almost like you did no testing or balancing of any kind internally before release, on well, anything. Delves, dungeons, classes, raids.

Happy to be a paid tester for your beta.


Works for me

Joke’s on us for believing.

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Idk why people are mad about this, the entire nerub encounters will still make classes like fury/arcane the best dps spec, due to how they swap targets and handle the adds. Arcane barraging 4 adds constantly, reckless bladestorm kills everything, whirlwind rampage

Dots class like affliction warlock/feral/boomkin/fire mage feels so awful to play in nerub

Fix bm hunter aoe. The single is kind of meh in groups but the AOE is terrible. The anniversary changes need to be pushed forward or the beast hunter is just junk.



Why is the healer mana so wildly different?

R-Druid only regens at 25k, Holy Priest at 35k

But Disc and Preservation at 70k Mp5?

Why is Arcane being nerfed in PvP? Doesn’t seem like it’s overperforming to me…

really awful warrior pvp changes well done. incredibly out of touch or simply just incompetent.


Where is the help for us BM Hunters? Got to give us something now because that nerf practically destroyed how my spec was playing. I’m now hitting like a wet noodle and wasn’t before that patch a while back.


Thanks for nerfing arcane instead of buffing others. My shadow priest feels like garbage still. Wish you guys had any clue what you were doing. Delves and the tuning proves that you don’t. Fire Ion already…

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Blizzard doesn’t even play the same game LOL


Its okay at least they didn’t patronize us by giving us 20% buff to kill shot rofl

delves are fine now just run brann as a healer

I’d say its fairly in line with fury, outlaw, and enhancement after the last set of nerfs.
Even BM, Aff, Sub, and Ret are starting to crank many top parses.

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The top BM parses on Broodtwister Heroic playing pure ST is foul. I don’t know what went wrong with BM’s AOE this tier, but it needs a lot of help.

BM will still be played because of its ST power, which should be VERY competitive with the other top dogs getting nerfed. However, even if your aim is for BM to be the “single target” hunter spec this patch and MM for AOE (and SV just being good at everything), BM’s AOE being so bad that it’s an overall DPS loss to pick it up, let alone a major ST DPS loss, for any reasonable number of targets in raid, should be worrying.