Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

arcane mage is weak, not strong, especially against melee, you kidding me?
anyway i am going to cancel sub, have enough of this bs

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And will you furthering be buffing Mountain Thane to compensate when it’s already 35% behind Slayer?

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Is there any chance you can communicate that us warlocks really want our skull of the Manari fixed? We are desperate D:

Plz nerf frosr mage in pvp

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You really think BM is in a good place? outside of Wrath it’s trailing pretty badly, especially in AoE.

I may be new to BM but I know low number when I see it.


According to the heroic raid logs on WCL so far, single target damage of BM hunters is excellent. I realize their AoE is lacking, but this isn’t a “game breaking probem”. You can also play MM in AoE heavy fights and M+.

Dear God please can we get any kind of update on the direction of Rogues? Feels like Blizz is asleep at the wheel when it comes to our class


Was really hoping for a slight Prot Paladin buff.


They look at the raid logs when making tuning changes. This isn’t always ideal when you do other content, but it’s better than Feelcraft.

BM hunters in the heroic raid (95th percentile) across all bosses are in the 9th place (of 26 dps specs). If you switch to “damage to bosses”, they’re in the 3rd place:

Huh? Arcane trashes melee specs. It’s also massively op in raids.

Brutal changes. Not sure why Blizz thinks Fury must perpetually be C or D tier (PvP and PvE). Oh well, back to grinding as a non-fotm spec…

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Dude wtf!!! YOU GOTTA THINK ABOUT PVP wtf do warriors cap flags no do warriors win games by capping off carts and nodes… mostly likely not cause we are slow as a slug. Meanwhile dragon boys rogues and monks win whole games with crazy a$s movement oh and i forgot druids my b. Can we win a fight against a mage by ourself mayb .0001 percent of the time if they dont know how to use their damn blinks. this is actually crazy dragon boys do most dmg and have most mobility and immunites and they are getting a damage buff YOU HAVE TO GOT TO BE JOKING. ROLL WARRIOR in blitz and feel our pain. PLAY THE GAME BEFORE MAKING WHACK A$S CHANGES WTF.

Literally was doin math in my head and was like why is this an overall need to my already mid aoe. We are already one of the worse classes on logs… make it make sense blizzard

Yeah raiding is npc bots meanwhile we getting put on struggle bus in pvp against these insane mobility classes…

Kaivax why is your profile hidden is it cause you know these changes are dog fart stupid??

You are not looking at pvp fury warriors are struggling yes dps is good when we can actually hit stuff but when we are outclassed by these insane mobility classes we cant even hardly get a few moves off before we die just standing there slowed. And again arms warriors are higher ratings because they have more defensives and do more dmg do to all the crazy bleeds and thunderous roar…

Thanks for the nerf to shadow priest… 6% dmg increase doesnt even cover the dmg loss from psychic link nerf. just an overall dmg loss to aoe/cleave fights. Already underperforming as a class. Just look at the logs. literally like the 4th worst class

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and where is the reply on blitz and vicious mount progress???

@ KAIVAX i also just wanna say I am loving the game and blitz at the moment and im not really that mad actually I just like to pretend I am. Although im really loving warrior atm and would appreciate less nerfs and maybe yall could look into amount of classes per team for blitz mode for balancing cause its really hard when enemy has alot of rogues or one team is not very mobile or has not meta flag carriers. Pls forgive my other rants as Im just actually really happy with warrior atm and passionate about the ZUG ZUG so yeah forgive me kaivax ihope you have a great day(:

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You’re right. I’m so concentrated with PvE that I forget about PvP. You guys have legit concerns.

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