Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

Let me know when you are done with this beta testing so I can actually play the game without being nerfed massively every other patch.

This is ridiculous.


you guys what you’re doing? apparently not if you think warriors needs a 15% nerf, poor warriors, no way will warriors be viable once the nerf hits, if anything, they need a 2% buff, stop catering to the mythic+ players


This is cool and all but is someone even looking at the damage that Arms Colossus Warriors do? Oh yeah, no one can look at something that doesn’t exist, I think it would be fun if the damage from Arms Colossus wars could get closer to what normal damage feels like in general.

They’re pets, not part of the spell auras. Same with yogg actually.

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When the enemy team has 3 DKs in an 8 person solo queue rated game, the infinite pulls isn’t actually fun to play against.

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This hpal nerf seems a bit heavy-handed (although I am biased). I think Holy felt strong but other healers seemed pretty equal. Seems to me that rsham, hpriest and pres evoker did similar healing to hpal and monks were close too. Resto druids def needed help though. I guess we will see with more people acquiring tier sets next week, maybe hpal tier is just that strong.

Will the Flameshaper hero tree see any further buffs this season? It’s a niche choice for Preservation and a dead tree for Devastation (still ~10% behind Scalecommander even after the Engulf buff).

Increasing the scaling of Enkindle (considerably) should be an easy tuning knob that won’t result in any crazy burst damage in PvP.

Y’all know Holy is a healing spec, not a DPS spec, right? Nerfing healing and buffing damage is wild lol


Looking forward to trying feral and balance!! they’ve been in such a bad position that guardian druid was the only spec I’ve thought to continue to play.

What in the what is this?!?!? The hotfix already nerfed our overall damage significantly and now a 15% nerf on top of it. Who comes up with this stuff ><

How you warlocks feeling about the changes in PvP? I main destro and I’ll take the buffs but curious as to how affliction will perform in PvP now.

Pressing 1 button for damage that’s done by A.I? Please don’t, that’s not deserved. Add Starfall a channeling if you want it make strong.

Please reconsider. Make it PvE only, it’s already so powerful in PvP.

Not needed, let’s be real.

Guess hunters are just going to be donating their sub fee for the next couple months until 11.0.5 rebuild… but even those adjustments don’t seem like ‘enough’ to make them feel good to play–and surely the tier set bonuses wont make up the difference in the meantime… so we’re either re-rolling to a more competitive class, or suffering ‘mediocrity at best’ until they BEGIN working on the pitfalls.


Why is this nerf even necessary? Would have rather you buffed Templar and brought it up to Herald of the Sun. Guess I should have seen this coming. Ret Paladins are not allowed to be even close to the top of their groups damage.

By the time you are fully geared affliction will feel pretty much the same as it did before nerfs. Malefic Rapture is really what’s doing the big damage. Shadow bolt was doing more damage than drain soul anyway which makes no sense it needed nerfed. The buffs to Destro look good ever since they unlinked Rifts from chaos incarnate. They got huge nerfs on the beta 40% should at least make them feel like they do something now.

Both boomy and spriest are damage are terrible atm they needed buffs, and all you have to do is press 1 button to use earthquake what’s the difference? Also if you read the notes they nerfed disintegrate damage by 20% in pvp.


So… If I understand correctly…

DH tuning are mainly " bug fixes " ?

So DH class is tuned around bug fixes?

Why it’s not in an hotfix if its a bug fix? Why is it called " class tuning " ?

That’s false. Nice try. God spam more ravage.

It requires one button say its false one more time.

Some people like to be liars. Hahahaha, must be bad to be you.