Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

San’layn finally about to be usable? Sweet

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Why the heck are we suffering buffs then reversions?!

Why the boogers isn’t this figured out before it is released live?

Why are most changes dumber than a sack of hair? Just WHY!?

In my opinion this a new tactic by blizz. just keep rotating balances and buffing and nerfing items, and buffing and nerfing npc’s. That way no one will be able to figure out where all the technical expertise went.

This game’s devs are now an intern’s training ground. They should be charging them instead of paying wages and quit abusing your paying subscribers as test engineers.

At this point we need a free month not a free day. We deserve it for being your QA AND your test engineers.


1 month into expansion and you are buffing fire mage 6% and lb 25% which just shows how horrid it is, its not hard to balance a video game not sure who is in charge of balance but they should be fired.


oh. I mean I thought my damage was okay so I wasn’t expecting a buff. Noice

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WHY ARE YOU BUFFING PALADIN… thats crazyyyy talk they already have a bajillion save your asssss buttons and take on whole groups of people with well timed defensives and burst…

Holy shock isn’t useless, it is a good single target heal -if- you have lotm talents, but like I said in my post I feel like if they are going to nerf holy paladin (undeservingly imo) they should remove the negative effects of lotm and have it buff holy shock even more. There is no reason hpals need a permanent healing absorb on them at all times just to have a strong ST heal when there is already a tradeoff of having no raidwide heals at all.

Now you dont have to argue I’m not asking you too, I just have much more xp as hpal and I am used to what they do. They factor in devotion aura, and that is why hpal gets nerfed any time its at the top of healing or close to it. I don’t agree with them doing so but thats what has happened over the course of DF.

We weren’t just good in raids tho, we were good in m+ too. S+ tier healer for that. I’m not saying we didn’t deserve a nerf but I am saying I can see why they would do this, however I am almost always against aura nerfs as they hit abilites that do not need a nerf at all. They should’ve just nerfed dawnlight a bit if they had to hit anything, maybe buff the st heals to compensate since that is hpals niche.

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yeah, demo feels strong. i’m worried this means our 4pc will scale badly.

Meh I’m just working on the raid armor for the mog. I’ll win even if the stats suck lol

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Wow prot paladin are really loved!!
No change at all and they have no intention of fixing the guardian of the forgotten queen!


what are you talking about LoD being useless?? 86% parse and its my #1 in healing

Maybe you just suck at Hpally?

if you’re not an AC player then sit down a look pretty with your cute little shield

Boomie buff much needed.

Came here to see if we got any buffs to AOE NOOOOPPPPPEEEEEE:(:(:frowning:

I don’t understand. Why is holy paladin the only healer seeing a healing nerf??? These people who tune stuff are R words after r words after r words. Tune up holy paladin damage?! Who the F comes up with this sheesh??? Mean while they aren’t even 6% above the other specs AFTER 3days into the tier…

Nerf preservation overall healing and holy priest play style where they just heal themselves!!

Just a bunch of r words…


This analysis is disingenuous. Psychic link damage is a bit lower, but every other source of AoE is higher including halo, DoTs, apparitions, inescapable torment, nzoth, cthun, and yogg saron.

Cthun bender and fiend arent buffed by the 6% aura buff, just for clarity’s sake.

These are like 1-2% nerf overall nerf for pve. Not a big deal at all.

That’s a bit odd. Why would they not be?

He’s not saying don’t nerf the damage. He’s saying they keep nerfing the talents at the bottom of the talent tree which make the class fun to play. Nerf other damage so that they can keep the fun buttons. Why have those buttons at the bottom of a talents tree where the good stuff is supposed to be if you make them crappy.