Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

I mean lets just patch ever day after launch. This is getting dumb. But, not having a beast hunter patch is disgraceful. Is it a typo? A late April fool’s day joke?

So I’m assuming from these changes that Frost Mage is absolutely perfect? No changes at all?

calm down buddy- ya’ll are currently simming the highest

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Blizzard you gotta be kidding me. This is wild. One of the most severe class balancing issues existing right now and 0 tweaks.


is the disc priest whining about a healer that’s in the same tier as a disc?

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new hot fix delves are deleted!!!

Ah, I don’t raid, I understand disc is good in raid, mostly M+ annoyance.

This is so unnecessary.

Blizzard. You got a bug in the updates. All classes got attention except hunter.

Where’s the hunter help/love? Is this because Ragemode isn’t posting anymore?

You’re also broken crazy DPS is overturned and you’re crazy if you didn’t see a nerf coming.

How on earth can you justify nerfing ret? If it is purely based on the first week of raiding where the awful talent ‘Instrument of Retribution’ provides major wings up time because of hyper inflated death numbers, then that is just pathetic from you Devs. Honestly pathetic. Sure, our AOE is decent in M+ and any sustained AOE fight - heaven forbid we stay that way though? We are an absolute joke single target, so if you want to nerf Dawnlight how about buffing Templar’s Verdict to improve our single target? I mean c’mon, seriously??

Furthermore, have any of you Devs actually bothered to properly play PVP as a ret? Solo Shuffle, you simply just train the ret and they die. They are the EASIEST to kill by far out of any class. Our damage in PVP is sub-mediocre to pathetic, unlike many other classes which have talents that mean their damage surpass reductions/absorbs. No mortal strike either mind you. 2v2/3v3 is even worse!! ret is so bad on all aspects and our Word of Glory is embarrassingly weak compared to others, and you just oom anyway after trying to use it in succession because it does so little.

How have you passed consistent ret nerfs to damage and done nothing to fix our single target and survivability?? Seriously what the hell is wrong with you at Blizzard?


where are you getting your numbers BM is like 5th from last on ST over the last two weeks and is the worst hunter spec on ST overall by a fair margin. Don’t make up numbers because warrior got nerfed because they were vastly out performing every other class


realy nerf pala retri ? Pala Retri TIER B blizzard OMG R.I.P PALADIN


cant help but feel the main reason for bm being F tier and having the worst aoe by a vast margin is because of delves. seems about right that blizzard would make the best solo class / spec in game the worst in damage right now while having a feature such as delves rear its ugly head in this game.

so i guess we can thank delves for bm being in the gutter.

This. WTF is blizzard thinking? Do they even look at pvp leaderboards? Ret isn’t even near the top and they punish with a staggering 15% nerf. Meanwhile, templar is DOA and they have no clue that it is even a spec.


100% this. Nobody at blizzard cares about PvP.

Cool for fire but living bomb basically still does nothing so effectively the whole right side of the fire tree is still unusable.

Woot, getting excited.

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How is BM hunter NOT getting a -75% across the board damage reduction?! Way too OP now…

No class should be getting nerfed, the other classes should get buffed