Class Tuning Incoming – September 17

Demo rejoice!

Holy shock is next to useless unless you get a crit. A 6% nerf to healing will make them only useful as holy power generators even more than they currently are.

The nerf is 100% braindead. And i won’t be arguing with you over opinion. hpal has no raid wide heal, aoe is capped at 5 people. This kills them with raid viability, since the raid buff you can get just as easily from ret and prot.

Just because if we heal well we’re S tier in raids up their with the true AOE healers doesn’t mean we deserve a nerf. period.

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You’re nerfing hpal?.. Sub is officially cancled. The fact a priest can just cast HALO and be top heals pisses me off. I was called excessive for what I was saying by people warning them this was coming even tho I FELT WEAK compared to other healers already. Why can’t Hpal EVER have its moment as a decent healer?
“HpAL SeaSon 2 blah blah”



I’m still leveling characters so I don’t know how good these balance changes are, but you still haven’t fixed BM hunter aoe or the bugs that Ret abuses to do tons of aoe damage with Blade of Justice spam.

Hpal was underperforming. We were getting destroyed by the HALO spell from Priests while we CAST ALL CD’S EVEN WITH WINGS.

The fact that wasn’t touched? Gross negligence.


They. Do. Not. Care. They. Pretend they know. They don’t.


Beast mastery is second in dps sims in raid only arcane mage pulls ahead.

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That’s heroic with barely any data to work from. It even says that on the site you linked it from.

All the other data shows them as upper-mid.

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Changes to Fire Mages are a step in right direction, but they need more buffs alongside other low end specs.

And Living Bomb tuning while eventually might make it not a dead branch (eventually - it is still undertuned even with these buffs) would still keep you balancing headaches where it is either undertuned and not taken much or at all or overtuned and leads to oversized nerfs to Fire like one that literally happened at the start of TWW. As such - please in 11.0.5 consider removing its spread and buffing its damage and proc chance accordingly. That would both address the issue and allow to avoid such tuning headaches in the future.

Why have priests gotten such little love. It feels bad out here man.

Confiming the beta was for money not testing.



My evoker gets a buff :smiley:

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Pally and Warrior nurfs really wasnt needed at least in that degree. Id like to see Archon changes too Halo is awful

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The only rogues still playing are the ones that are absolutely cracked at the class.
Of those rogues, the only ones still playing Outlaw through all of the game-breaking bugs plaguing it are either gods among men or depraved masochists.
My money’s on both though.


continues enjoying Templar Ret

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Please, I am begging for meaningful Fire Mage PvP changes.

I’d just like to say “JOHN MADDEN!”

Not touching BM AOE is crazy. Normally I’d just say “fine, play BM on ST and MM on AOE” but it’s super obnoxious to play both when BM’s best stat is MM’s worst stat by far (haste). As evidenced by Ansurek logs, a very “mixed target profile” fight, MM/BM still suffer from having atrocious ST if they pick up the bare minimum to AOE. It should be setting off alarm bells that the best build for BM on Ansurek is pure ST considering how many adds there are.

As for MM, even if they go 100% AOE (Broodtwister), it’s still a second-tier spec. Guess we’re relegated to raid buff bot and doing pure ST (can’t lie, BM is looking solid on ST, though the numbers are a little sus thanks to Aug/being a good PI target).

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I think they see Dark Ranger as fundamentally broken given what we see from the anniversary update notes, same with Paladin. Waiting until then feels bad though.

More buffs to the 10 lowest specs pls…

All three lock specs, BM, balance druid… Like come on.