Class Tuning Incoming – October 8

buffing BM’s single target damage. confused

We need AoE buddy please!

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This is a rather large nerf for BM hunters (~9%), was that the intention? Guess I have to swap to FDK now lol


This is a significant single target nerf


oh i read that wrong, thought it said increase not decrease on the baselisk change. so yea it is a decrease

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These hpal nerfs only make sense if you are looking at top %1 parses in mythic raid, if they actually looked at the rest of logs instead of blanket nerfs due to %1 parses in the race to world first Hpal doesnt need nerfs, also are they even taking Mythic plus into account for this? You already cant get into keys above 9 if you arent a Resto Shaman and they didnt get nerfed and its already hard to heal 10’s in great gear as an hpal after the last two nerfs. Zero way this makes any sense unless you are basing it off top %1 parses in mythic raid… blanket nerfs 3 patches in a row for holy paladins. Ridiculous and clueless as usual, fire the people making the changes who are to lazy and dont even bother to read past the first page of a warcraft logs to make a decision that effects a large portion of the healer playerbase.


Are you sure about that??

What a freaking joke!


Why are you nerfing hpal? We are mid healers at best and I feel like I have to work extra hard in keys to move health bars. I don’t get these constant nerfs. If this keeps going on I think I’ll just dip out.


It’s around a 9% single target nerf they flat out gutted the spec by not putting the entire novemeber update in


Any way to get some sort of feedback on the Hpal changes, it just doesn’t make any sense to me to continuously catch strays each adjustment. Where does it show we’re performing better than intended?


Ah, so you’ve made BM bad in every scenario now. Thanks a lot.

Why Blizz is putting in this change ahead of all the other 11.0.5 changes for BM is beyond me. At least we had a ST niche, but now you’ve just made this spec DOA until that patch.


11% nerf to Holy Paladin healing so far. I literally do not understand why but it seems we cannot have fun pushing keys or raiding this season.


they are just basing this nerf off the top 1% parses in mythic raid clearly, the people behind this decision didnt even bother to look at the rest of the community.


one of the wost balance changes i have ever seen to BM


@blizz You all are clueless


If you look at the overall healing, paladin is literally only second because of one single boss that it performs well on. On most bosses its middle of the pack.

On broodweaver, its the bottom healer (well, probably excluding resto druid but they hardly exist right now).


When you have no idea how to fix a spec and you just start throwing out random BS % buffs…


Thank you for listening to all the Warrior feedback. I’m so glad we didn’t get hit with hefty nerfs when we are already underperforming, and now Mountain Thane seems to actually be a viable option. So thank you.


  • The effectiveness of Demon Skin’s armor bonus is no longer reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
  • Demonic Resilience now reduces the damage taken by your primary pet by an additional 67% in PvP combat.

This should be applied to PvE also to be honest, I don’t know what undocumented changes happened between DF and TWW but lock pets are dying way too fast even when using the damage reduction talents for them.

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There are 3 things guaranteed in life

3.Holy Paladin getting % nerfs to their healing

It;s funny that they got a nerf to their healing before Shaman


“Pres evokers are disgustingly powerful in raid, and resto shamans are overpowered in keys. How can we fix this. OH I KNOW! Let us NERF hpals MORE.”

I can’t. I just can’t.