Class Tuning Incoming – October 8

Why is Holy Paladin receiving more nerfs? We had received a 6% nerf on 9/13 and now an additional 5% nerf? Why? It would be nice to get an explanation as to why holy paladin’s performance justifies being nerfed 11% flat across the board thus far.
This is starting to remind me of DF Season 2 post-Hpal rework. Where hpal felt great for a week, and then was aggressively and relentlessly nerfed for weeks and weeks after. The nerfs really didn’t make sense and were confusing, it was pretty clear whoever was making these decisions did not actually understand the problem or how the class works. Point proven, by the end of those nerfs hpal was so broken that we were a builder spender class whose optimal gameplay was to almost never use your hp spenders LOL.

And now here we are again, after another hpal rework, receiving similarly confusing nonsensical repetitive nerfs. Meanwhile Evokers and Shamans are effectively untouched. I’m just confused as to what is trying to be done here, and I don’t think the dev(s) making changes for hpal understand what they’re trying to do either.

Please at least communicate with us about the reasoning behind these changes and what you’re trying to achieve for our class?? A lot of us who play Holy Paladin play it because we really, really love it. We love how it plays and how it feels, I know I’ve met plenty of other hpals like myself who don’t enjoy healing on anything else, it’s just not as fun as holy. What happened in DF S2’s nerf-athon sucked. I really don’t want hpal to go back down that round again and these weird changes that make no sense have me worried that’s exactly where we’re headed.


Predicting Templar will overtake Herald of the Sun.

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What buffs?

MM Hunters nerfed before Devastation Evokers, really?

And also spinning crane kick. This bug persists

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Have you tried simply getting better at the game? It would probably be easier than waiting for Blizzard to make the game easier for you.

I wont grant you any credit for those needed changes you could have seen in beta. Make tanks strong again and change rewards of m+ to +7 again. This elitist garbage is an agenda which lead to Shadowlands downfall


There ya go, fixed it <3.


Do this. Everything about this is correct

Again, do this. #pulltheripcord, save m+

I’m happy to see demonology and armor buffs for lock. We will enter PVP yet again!

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I’m sorry but fire whoever is in charge of balancing already cause … they don’t know what they are doing and I highly doubt they even play the game after reading this… H-PAL is already a subpar at best healer now you’re gutting it while R-SHAMAN the best healer in the game gets a minor dps nerf LOL…


These holy paladin nerfs are puzzling. Mid in keys (but every healer sucks compared to shaman in keys), straight up garbage on certain fights in raid (brood), bugs untouched, etc… I wonder if blizzard is behind the curve on understanding how LOTM works…? That’s realistically the only way I could see this making sense. Anyone else have ideas on what’s going on?


The fact you’re buffing Aldrachi Reaver is laughable.

It’s not showing on your statistics not because it’s weak. It’s not showing because absolutely everyone hates how this tree plays.

Address this glaring issue, rework the tree, like we asked you to do in the Beta 430 times, and stop trying to buff a tree that is condemned to be unused forever unless you make Fel Scarred unusable in comparison.

Admit your failure, and fix it.


I’m curious why ST buffs were put out for Rogue but meanwhile WW is doing worse in all aspects and receives nothing of value? They aren’t really good at anything, yet you buff Rogue and leave them untouched. Please help me understand.


I wouldn’t call those demo changes buffs. They will hardly make any difference until they actually mechanically change the way some abilities work.

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Posting this just because I want to also say the same thing multiple people have already said: the 5% nerf to holy paladin is stupid, and unnecessary. Who is out there thinking hpal is healing too much right now?

Fix the bugs with the spec, and stop applying these stupid band-aid fixes that aren’t even fixing anything.


Feral still needs a very light touch. Maybe an additional 3% aura buff. Our scaling isn’t great right now.

Are you guys actually trolling or just dumb? You are taking away the one thing BM is good at for piddling AoE buffs.


Serious? What is the need to reduce the paladin’s healing?