Class Tuning Incoming – October 8

yeah the people behind these nerfs have no idea how to look at logs that much is clear. “we have data” means they looked at overall rankings on the first page of warcraft logs of the top 1% of mythic guilds, you cant even argue its not true because the second you actually look into the logs its clear they arent even ranked second. They are straight up lying if they are gonna try and say thats not how they came to this completely ridiculous decision.


aldrachi reaver

more like unfuntoplay reaver


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Yo blizz,

Paladin Discord (H. Pal Section) is lit, it looks like the services sales posting in the major city. You can’t even see what people are pissed about other than the H pal adjustments, what a time to be alive! A phrase i would like to tell my party in M+ but can’t cause i’m not a shaman and i’m global locked tryin to keep the team up. No room for typing.

GG 10/10 core memory made for all the wrong reasons!.


poor hpals. they don’t deserve this. what a bizarre nerf.


Funny because right before launch BM got a HUGE nerf, now they are basically reversing the nerf they did a couple months ago. I just hope same can be said for fury…

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Ya’ll seriously have no clue what you are doing. Not only are HPals not overperforming in raids, but they are also nowhere near being the best healer in M+. Get a grip.


Nominal buffs to shadow I see, mainly to the hero talent tree that I don’t like to play. :sob: I guess that means Voidweaver isn’t seeing much use compared to Archon.

What I dont understand is that Hpals are the lowest HPS and DPS for M+ healers.
A couple things going on that make this worse than it seems
Herald is bugged so it doesnt scale down like it should past 5 targets, Fix this please and then rescale our healing as this makes Raid healing look better and we dont get the benefit in M+
Light of the Martyr is technical a HPS loss but shows up as we are doing more healing.

A few times you see something from blizzard and you do really question where they get their data from and if they understand that data or just looking at pure HPS numbers with no concept of what it means.

This is one of those times.

Please take a longer look at why the hpal numbers are higher in raids and lower in M+. Hpal discord has a list of bugs that should be fixed.



For the most part… yah. Especially Gilded @ 7, and mythic vault @ 7 Because why do we need hero gear vault, if we’re literally getting hero at end of dungeon???


Whoever is in charge of the hpal nerfs needs to find another job because they’re too stupid to be doing this one. Obviously you guys have no idea what’s going on in the game.

It’s INSANE that everyone’s already telling hpals to reroll for keys and then we get nerfed AGAIN while shamans remain exactly as they were. The acid rain nerf means nothing, but I do think that’s stupid too. Why is healer dps so terrible this expansion?


Hpal is already mediocre in keys, long time hpal mains are already getting benched or asked to play ret instead on Brood, and we are still getting nerfed ?

Please just revert the nerfs and fix the variance in herald healing instead. Beams are completely target uncapped. Give them target count scaling and revert the aura nerf. It hasn’t felt good to play hpal for multiple seasons in a row now, purely because of poor tuning


I dont believe they actually do keys above 2 on all classes/specs. Because if they did anything even in the 6-7 range they could feel the difference in healers.


The tuning for BM is making it a dead spec! 100% awful. Great job on the 10-15% Single Target nerf and a 10% buff to the worst AOE in the game making it slightly better than tank damage in keys. Instead of having one of the best single targets in the game BM is now the worst, and no change on the AOE side, still dog water.

I guess because it is the most popular spec in the game, it has to not be viable for higher end content.

Horrible balance, terrible raid buff, and worse hero talents all around. gg on killing BM.


i am lebald

You nerfed hpal. Who’s in charge there? Bozo the Clown?


I think this confirms that those in charge of balance do not play the game in any meaningful fashion.


They almost certainly weren’t done writing code until last week. And the bugs this expansion have been some of the worst. For them to test anything would imply they were finished with enough lead time to do anything other than put out fires …

Which we know how that went for guild banks.

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Still doesnt make it good. Sanlayn is dogwater in design and is counterintuitive to how blood plays. They need to stop buffing numbers and take a look at how that hero tree functions as a whole. Maybe by 11.1 theyll have something functional


Please update Totemic Enhance Shaman. I spend way too much time every night trying to optimize it to be relative to its counterpart. Lavalash dropping a searing totem should not replace the old one just as the ghost wolves keep coming for the storm side.
I just want to play the totem spec and be competitive. Thank you.

Druids, we’re back baby.
Non-druids… Hate to see it, sorry you guys.