Class Tuning Incoming – October 8

I’m scared now they are going to nerf felscarred in S2 or even 11.0.5 severely so people play AR :skull:

nobody is playing AR because it feels bad to play.


The Fury changes mostly make a lot of sense to me in trying to balance the options of the spec. I appreciate trying to make the different choices more competitive with each other.

HOWEVER, after all the other hotfixes for Fury and changes on the PTR the spec desperately needs an aura buff in my opinion. We are one of the worst single target damage specs in the entire game, and you continue to nerf our single strength of burst AoE.

I’m not saying nerfing the burst AoE is out of line, but the spec definitely deserves compensation.


Blizzard, Making changes mid season is abit ridiculous. You had Alpha, Beta, and Pre-launch to make changes.


If we’re nerfing acid rain can you at least make it function?

It does not work in several areas of the game at all, such as Dawnbreaker boats, and the upper areas of Necrotic Wake.

Please make our class abilities actually function. It’s been months\years with this “bug’d”.

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I literally don’t know any Demon Hunters who want to play Aldrachi. Basically everyone agrees Fel Scarred is better, both thematically and in gameplay feel.

Throw Glaive has always been an awkward button that really just shouldn’t be used at all barring as a pulling tool for Vengeance/the rare situation where you’re out of range and can’t do anything else. It’s frustrating that they keep trying to shoehorn it into the basic rotation.


I am glad this is going live sooner rather than later. Thanks blizzard.


Protection paladin needs more defensive buffs instead damage and healing, awful to play when your hp is dancing :skull:


Nice tone-deaf resto druid buff, Blizz. You have truly refined your ability to listen to the community eye roll.


They gonna nerf FS before we even get our visuals (slated for 11.0.5 right?) :rofl:

WW Monk gets no buff. Going from mid to bottom after this tuning.


So still doing absolutely nothing for Spellslinger Arcane? Or is there being like 2 mages playing the spec in mythic raids not enough data?

I don’t get it. It’s so clearly under-tuned by a massive amount that basically no one is playing it in serious content, but it’s not getting any buffs.

(post deleted by author)

Why? \10chars


you know when the Demon Hunter discord is dooming BECAUSE you are buffing one of their hero talent specs maybe you guys should really do some introspection. Because a spec has to be really freaking bad for people to be angry about buffs :rofl:


sanlayn buffs are welcome and needed

ya so rshamans are top heals by a massive amount yet they get more buffs?



Could we get something for hellcaller warlock? Its pretty far behind in single target for affliction and destruction…

Because HPal is putting up good numbers in raid. Blizzard is ignoring the fact that several abilities are not being reduced beyond 8 targets and that light of the martyr inflates your performance by sniping healing, despite being a net loss overall in hps.

And because of that a very mid healer in M+ is getting gut punched for some reason.


Dont buff AReaver. No one wants to play it.


I don’t unserstand the holy paladin nerfs. They aren’t the number 1 raid healer, M+ healer, or PvP healer. Very strange choice.

Please stop ignoring holy priest in PvP. They need some help. No DR CDs and no mobility is awful. Especially in the kidnap DK meta. :frowning: