Class Tuning Incoming – October 8

How about the feedback regarding DK nerfs? 15% reduction to not only dots, but our main single target damage ability, is overkill. Whoever is coming up with these numbers must not play the game. You got plenty of time to address this, let’s hope you review the feedback and act accordingly.

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Can we have some feedback as to why Fury Warrior is being nerfed again? I do not understand at all.

Thank you


The sims are in, Linxy! Looks like we’re still not quite on the mark with these numbers yet. 4-5% ST damage loss (when the goal was a net neutral). Can we get another couple of percent added into that Aura to get us to the target?


Still a 5% nerf on ST :frowning:


Nah, its deserved.

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How about you guys look at the other changes you made in PvP? Nerf Dk and aff to the ground and leave all of the other egregious classes as is? Feral and hunters are in very single lobby and in almost every round of awc, but you further nerf dks and locks only? 3 out of my last 10 solo shuffles at 2000 mmr had me and 3 hunters as DPS. Oh that’s right…the people that make changes for PvP don’t actually play PvP…

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Thank you Linxy, we did some math in hunter discord it’s still 4-5% ST loss when you mentionned the goal is keep ST neutre… so can we get more buff aura to cover 4-5% ST loss. Thanks


Thank you for listening! Appreciate seeing this today!

But yes, unfortunately this is still a 4-5% ST nerf for BM, so if the goal is not to reduce our ST will still need the numbers bumped up some.


BM needs another like 6% on both all damage and pet damage at least to just be neutral in ST which was the goal based on the post. And the fact that BM AOE is still SO FAR BEHIND everyone else is why we need this additional damage.


hunter is disgustingly overpowered in pvp, please revert the unnecessary buffs :slight_smile:
really old having overpowered specs get buffed. you already messed up dearly with feral, thanks

since people are unaware somehow: obviously revert in pvp, not pve since modifiers exists…


This is a completely separate issue entirely. Nerf the pvp values, but don’t nerf us 5%+ mid-tier just as we’re reaching the hardest mythic bosses.


I’m surprised they didn’t buff feral more. Oh wait…

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This is not enough to be on par with other healers.
All healers can quickly raise health without problems.
Even if they increase us by 5% every week or two weeks, it does not compensate at all.
Since they have turned us into healers over time in an expansion with sharp damage.
Revert the nerf of the grove guardians, so that they are an excellent tool for both raid and M+ to deal with high damage spikes

that’s what i’m asking for?


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Thanks for listening to feedback, we all thank you for that. However it still looks like this is a 4-5 percent single target nerf.


so despite what was said in the developer’s note, the final outcome with the changes in the corrected notes is a baseline 5% ST nerf for BM?


If you make it closer to neutral it will only help BM’s AOE which it desperately needs seeing as its so far behind. wink wink


Are you going to explain yourselves on how you had this blatantly wrong from the beginning? We deserve to know because you’ve done it more than once in the past and you will more than likely do it again. It’s time to put a program in place stop it in the first place… Are all departments just making it up they go now??? I mean we’re 20 years into the project… There is fake it until you make it and then there is whatever the hell this is you have concocted.

I dont even play warrior and I feel sorry for them.

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Please take into consideration how OP Shadowmeld is compared to all other racials in the game in PvP. All the AWC players use them when it’s available… Their racial needs a nerf so there is more counter play, currently it’s just ridiculous especially if you play a nelf on a stealth class