Class Tuning Incoming – October 8

Where is this feedback found and from who exactly?


M+ and raid should be balanced separately ffs. It’s clear they cannot simultaneously balance them.

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BM really is awful to play, you’d think being a dedicated dps class–blizz would at least make all specs remotely viable, now it’s hard to even get accepted to a group at all when your class color is ‘vomit’ green. MM is still AoE OR ST with no healthy blend of both, and Surv is just…bleh…

But now a ~10% nerf to the one thing BM was remotely good at, why play Surv when ANY other melee class exists, and MM requires 16 fingers and 2 keyboards.


Have to hold out for hope. Basilisk collar nerf is huge and the compensation they got isn’t enough to make up for it. BM will fall way behind


Aren’t Destro locks almost dead last for DPS? So, why is Demo getting buffs over Destro, when Demo is middle of the pack?

Am I way off on this?

yeah i’ve thought about it too. My boyfriend has recently gotten into the game and I cover his sub. If he gets bored of the game, i’ve already decided i’m cancelling it.

It’s not worth it to spend a couple months trying to gear up a character to have it nerfed into the ground because 5 guilds in Worlds First were able to exploit a broken talent once or twice and then never touched that healer again and stuck to the meta.

pretty sure Destro is the highest performing Warlock spec for raiding. Not that thats saying much because Warlock is in a horrible place right now

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Developer’s Note: We have seen that BM Hunter is the only D Tier DPS spec for M+ and wanted to make sure they are also D Tier in the Raid. Happy Delving!


The Star Wars director insulted everyone and said the audience didn’t understand Star Wars… The K Kennedy doubled down and fired everyone that wasn’t woke enough in Hollywood … then Southpark mocked them, and still, they ignored it and gave us New Snow White… I see no difference between the managment at Blizzard and the Management at Disney. After decades of playing Blizzard games, this is what you do to your players: You have destroyed any incentive to play anything except META for the week until next tuning changes the meta and everyone rerolls or quits. This is probably the players fault, i’m sure that will be the next post… Dear Players, sucks to be you… we’ll fix it in two or three months.

WW Monk and Feral Druid circling the drain together in death, totally disregarded.

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This again, To lazy to do some talent reworks?


Shamans weren’t setting the world on fire with their rain damage, what an unearned nerf to Shamans. : ( Blizzard is out of touch, it seems. Shams were not top tier healers.

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Crazy ret was already doing awesome in surprised it got a good buff. Throw a buff on frost DK and you got ya self a deal

Also when are you nerfing protection warrior? Even in +14 keys they are taking almost no damage. This is opposite of what you have said you want done and every other tank is getting clapped.

There’s a reason 86% of all M+ tanks are prot warriors. Do your jobs. Tune down shield block values so they need heals like every other tank.

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Yet, they still didn’t go broke. :joy:

And do it NOW, please.

Not three months from now, like you usually do.

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The people they follow on Twitter.

They’re the only people the devs care about.

Uhm… In terms of M+ DPS we had two outliers at the top and two at the bottom.

Ret and both DK specs were over performing

Feral and Beast Master were under performing.

So help my understand these changes… they look like they’re for a spec at the bottom of the pack. Not the top.


Serious question. Is it a requirement to be a balancing dev to have absolutely no clue what youre doing? To be completely ignorant of the game and very obviously not play it?

You guys are a complete joke. I convinced multiple friends to come back and give this game a shot and this is the asinine crap you pull?

In any other industry and job being this incompetant gets you fired but apparently at Blizzard its a requirement.


Ret is good because of Herald. Templar was under performing to the point that most players didn’t use it. That’s why they buffed Templar.