Class Tuning Incoming – October 29

I just want both Shadow Crash talents to be combined man.

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I play DR MM on my main and I’m in the top 4 dps in our guild lmfao. I pulled almost 5 mill on Azuregos unbuffed yesterday at 614 ilvl. Let’s not pretend just because some people can’t get a rotation right doest mean nobody does.

No. Legend has it the patch notes were about to go out, the HPal dev saw they were about to ship another bunch of notes without pal nerfs so they requested a slight delay to cook up yet another set of absolutely absurd changes.

edit: In case my sarcasm doesn’t land. I’m being facetious.

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Don’t worry, it landed and made a crater.

jfc blizz

Kek, you make me laugh.
You did that because BA was double dipping mastery, not because you know what you are doing… looks like you are similar to blizzard devs, doesn’t even know what you are playing :blush:


So Disc is over performing and got buffs, but Holy… =/ Good to know you’re consistently out of touch with every aspect of the company at least.

‘Nobody plays this’

‘I do’

‘You don’t know anything just like the devs :grin:

Great Convo, enjoy being a miserable human being lmfao

You guys are so totally lost on how to tune classes. You had tuning goals for ele… no chance in hell you let ele go live with tuning goals that made any sense. Now you’re buffing warriors, basically undoing nerfs you made weeks ago. Your QA department is either the biggest joke, or you don’t even engage them anymore and just… whatever we’ll nerf it if it’s overpowered.

This game is a total joke when it comes to class balance, the worst it’s ever been and we’re even talking ret paladins slands S1 with divine toll and ringing clarity.

But hey no other game is any fun so here i am a slave to WoW and they know it.



You buffed this by 300% last week. It’s still only 0.2-0.3% of my DPS. Buff it by 1000% and maybe it will help.


I’m glad fury is finally getting buffs instead of nonsensical nerfs, but it is interesting you think frost DKs are right where they should be.


Are you talking about world bosses that have critters around them lol? You aren’t doing 5 mil ST in actual raids my dude.


Not to seem ungrateful, but Just FYI - this looks far better than it is. This is currently simming at only about a 4% dps increase to Aff. Destro are already ahead of it and are getting about a 6-8% increase.

Aff is still going to be in a very rough spot IMHO, especially since its already the dead last Lock spec and is bottom tier of DPS in raids.


For real like not a single boomy takes Rejuv since we are already talent point starved to get what we need as it is.

Currently Aimed Shot is barely hitting more then Explosive Shot… An ability that is generally only used for the AoE element of it… That should be all Blizzard needs to see to know they messed up Hunter and are about to gut the spec even more…

Between this and Blitz queue times hitting 20+ minutes Im about to unsub. I was going to be one of the suckers who picked up the $90 mount, not anymore though.

Dude was just calling you out on your misinformation since your big damage was due to just another bug caused by the 11.0.5 patch.


I realize lmfao, and no Azuregos has no cleave and no adds. Please don’t reply if you dk what I’m specifically referring to like you’re gonna catch me in some GOTCHA :sob::joy:

dear kaivax, can we have some insight about this

In this case, we want to ensure that in the long run, years from now, we don’t find ourselves looking around and seeing AH mounts that are as common as repair mounts are today.

what made the company change its mind on this subject?

three buffs to the still dead hero tree that got gutted due to the rework removing the talent that made it work. Buff to frost shock that was a filler spell that we only used while moving on a lower priority over other spells that we could also use while moving. Vs our spenders getting three separate hits to the spenders themselves and things that scale them. ascendance takes a 33% nerf to its burst among those. But at least we might use frost shock a little more in single target lmao.

the change being DRW instead of vampiric blood reallly hurts.
it just feels clunky now and detached from the fantasy of a sanlayn.

There is only 1 stormbringer buff there and it’s to Icefury, which did squat for damage before and doesn’t make up much of the vastly lost ground.

Farseer buffs- Farseer due to the rework isn’t super viable. Haven’t seen numbers with the buffs but it was very far behind Stormbringer in everything but pure ST. A bunch of the following nerfs also impact farseer so it’s getting nerfed as well.

*Arc discharge 50% nerf, that’s a massive nerf to an integral part of the build.
*Voltaic Surge- 10% Nerf
*Echo Chamber- 50% nerf, Massive Nerf effectively killing overload builds outside ascendance
*Ascendance- 33% nerf and where a majority of damage comes from so big nerf.
*Preeminence- 5% nerf
*Icefury- 33% buff but did minimal damage and used while moving before so won’t be a breadwinner maybe a 1-2% overall damage increase.

I’ve seen estimates at 30% overall damage nerf and another at 10% ST nerf and 20% AOE nerf resulting in a 16-17% M+ nerf. Even taking the more conservative of the two it puts Elemental at the bottom or nearly at the bottom of the DPS charts. On avg in M+ Elemental will do 1.3m dps and an augvoker(lowest dps) does 1 mill. Now reduce ele by 16% and you’ll find it at the bottom of the DPS chart.

The problem is that people saw single pack snippets with Ele doing a big AOE burst and assuming they could do that the whole run. Of course they’re not realizing that the ele is blowing every single cooldown and for the next 3 minutes after they are mediocre. On top of this you needed to really build specifically for it, which most don’t/didn’t because it was a complete 180 on stats. This is why logs/charts don’t have ele that far ahead, because when you count the time when they aren’t in ascendance their DPS plummets and if they don’t stack the heck out of mastery their DPS isn’t insanely broken high. Don’t get me wrong, they were OP but nowhere near what people were claiming.

Ele will be at the bottom of the current DPS charts while those other low specs are getting buffed puts us squarely in the useless category. Ele already lost a ton of defensiveness and even utility in their rework and now they are losing their damage. There really isn’t much reason to bring one when you can get an enhancement or resto should you need Bloodlust/skyfury. Other classes will do AOE better and aren’t tied to 3m cooldowns, and basically every dps class does ST better since ele is pretty weak in ST.

Ascendance needed a nerf, but other parts of the spec needed buffs. Ascendance was the only thing propping up elemental and every part of that build just took nerfs. I put it this way in the shaman forum but Ascendance was the main pillar holding up the roof and with that being destroyed you can’t be surprised when the roof collapses. Other supports needed to be buffed and they weren’t so until that happens ele is dead in the water.


A few days of being strong while other classes (cough mages) get expansions of being broken.

Blizzard just hates shaman


So M+ Paladin is getting nerfed because of Raid Paladin? Its not fair