Class Tuning Incoming – October 29

they definitely do not play the same game as us.


/tar devs

Someone let me know when we are out of beta plz!


Blizzard, let’s do a thing:

Now that is clear that you guys play a different version of this game, please launch it, so we players can enjoy together!
Maybe we can reach an agreement on your “balance” changes!


Guys, it’s no longer april fools…please don’t make this change.


Oh right, I forgot how I RAN OUT OF MANA on fire mage doing my dps rotation in 1 minute and 15 seconds last night. Literally no mana and couldn’t cast combustion. Had to fireball for enough mana TO DO MY ROTATION.


Pro tip for devs: If our name is purple, it doesn’t necessarily mean we’re warlocks—Demon Hunters still exist!

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It’s all beta work, that they skipped to meet deadline.

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Got to hold on to that Fury Warrior roller coaster we are on.

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Because your raids have ridiculous aoe rot damage on top of moving around like headless chickens. of course they want to take it! What is wrong with your team lmao

Nah yall stole our Demon form you can suffer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol


Oh yeah just buff everything BUT Unholy. Just let everything pass it so the perception of how the class performs just go straight to the gutter instead of almost in the gutter.

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sad holy priest noises


I’m a bit more blown away by how most of this buffs are also affecting pvp… I know I know pvp… but what else is there to do when the game is clogged with bugs?

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Why am I paying a multi-billion dollar company monthly to live beta test an unfinished and unpolished game?

  • Holy
    • Developer’s notes: We’ve heard from friends of Holy Paladins that they have really grown to appreciate the picnic breaks in their m+ runs. With these changes we aim for more picnic breaks. You’re Welcome :kissing:

Fixed :star:

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Mere days after a big balance patch, nearly every single spec is getting changed. Balance druid got reworked and still got every single spell they use buffed while some specs got 25% or more damage increases for MULTIPLE spells.
How are you people this bad at your jobs? Does the development team collectively have some kind of blackmail on their bosses? Do they have a video of some manager pushing orphans into a woodchipper or something?


GenQ, HOW? Everything in those notes for Ele is an increase after being buffed to the top of most dps charts last hot fix/tuning session. I see a lot of increases here and one nerf of the number of free cast charges? How is Ele useless now?

Nerf Ret a bit. Buff Sub Rogue and Frost Mage.

Throw WW and BrM a bone lol


Is Holy Paladin OP enough to be getting the nerfbat? Genuine question.

I do lmfao