Class Tuning Incoming – October 29

Why is time being wasted on this when there are mounts to be added into the game shop?


So, they were doing better than last place.

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No that would make Fishing to much fun.

… Okey dokes. Final fantasy 14 can wait a bit longer.


man idk if the dev know that there are two other specializations for monks, it’s not just trying to fix the other classes. 2 / 3 monk class are way below all the others, and if you compare it to the meta classes it’s absolutely hilarious.


It does still blow my mind that even after all the Brewmaster memes, they didn’t even change one thing with them.


Nope, and we likely still won’t even with all these buffs. Problem is blood beast never spawns aka it’s completely a waste of a hero talent, and gift of the sanlayn needs to be completely reworked so it’s not reliant on an ability being used to activate. The dancing rune weapon change to gift of the sanlayn was horrible.

Good start for bdk buffs… youve only put us a little behind where we were before the nerfs on the 22nd… still not enough though…


I don’t know how you’ve managed to make a shapeshifting spec where you run around as an angry cat with +30% movespeed one of the least played specs in the entire game but you did.

  • Give us better ways to get our energy back.
  • Give us our range back.

Those 3 changes remind me of the 3 changes Aldrachi Reaver talents got a few weeks ago, because nobody plays that hero spec either. And I don’t think it did much to sway those players heh.

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You guys must be kidding me. MM Dark Ranger OVERperforming? Seriously? Besides the bug, DR is practically unused, no one wants to play a spec that is inviable compared to Sentinel.

Do you guys ever play the game that you think you develop? WTF…


I believe it brother. I’ve been playing since 2004 and I’ve definitely been around the block, but I’ve never seen balance changes this random and wild. It really does look like they have absolutely no clue what they are doing and it shows. This all is kind of sad to be honest.


You’re joking right? Did a monk shut you down in a 10 key with the meters so you have to punch down? Or was it in arenas? Oh wait, I do’nt think the Devs do content do they? Because you aren’t addressing the bug of conduit where if you summon your ox or xuen, it becomes cancelled, but you want to hose down Chi-Ji. These dungeons are punishing on movement to the point where I don’t even take Sheilun’s gift because having to stand and cast something will probably be a death sentence. I wish you would play the class you’re all nerfing.

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We had like 1 day of testing with a ~15% nerf hotfix applied.

Then they nerfed almost everything they could by massive amounts here.

I don’t care if we stay S tier or not, but this is going to brick the new priorities and builds people just spent months theorycrafting and simming / testing and screw over everyone who rebuilt their character for the new builds. Mastery was dogwater until this patch, then it became king, now they’re nerfing multiple things that make mastery good into the ground.

So many people spent their charges converting non-tier into tier because the tier had mastery. That can’t be undone.

So many people spent hundreds of thousands of gold crafting and recrafting gear. That gold and potentially sparks are not coming back (granted in most cases the pieces made with sparks will still be okay once recrafted again).

These kinds of changes are not okay.

Not to mention Ele Single Target was much less OP than AoE, and these changes gut the ST as well.



Who the heck even thought “Yeah DHer’s LOVE THROWING THEIR GLAIVE” lmao It’s the worst thing to even put as a HERO talent. Literally no one has ever liked it? They could have had fun with sigils or sacrifices but instead we get… throwing glaives lol


Brewmasters aren’t allowed to tank because stagger is apparently the most broken tank mechanic and they don’t know how to balance it. They’re also crapping over mistweaver. As for WW’er, I don’t know as I’ve only used it for doing quests/world stuff. I don’t know why it was made into a pet class though. Imagine being a MONK who uses FISTS but you call on PETS to help you. What is this?!


These BM Pack Leader changes are actually a 5% ST nerf and a 2% AoE/Cleave nerf. Go back and redo your numbers Blizz.
You will need to buff Beast Cleave and Kill Cleave modifiers to buff PL-BM without also buffing single target.

Also, free tip stop buffing multi-shot for BM it does no damage (approx 0.2-0.5% across an M+ dungeon) you could buff it by 1000% and it would still be ineffectual.


The only issue I had was mainly that a Shaman 10 ilvls below me could out DPS Me by a huge margin XD (my Parsing on the bosses were all 97-99 so I wasn’t doing poorly)

Pretty sure they dont play… at all…



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