Class Tuning Incoming – October 29

Oh! I thought that said WW Monk buffs.

How stupid of me.

no thanks , better quit or reroll , kinda tired of it.

what do you need me to explain to you? what do you have trouble with buddy?

If you look at your damage breakdown between 75% and 85% is going to be that one critter hit unless of course you think you have found some magical build that will let you do 5 million ST when the top log from when KC was bugged to do 35 percent extra damage is 1.8 mil lol and that was someone who was 630 not 616. Again you have no clue what you are talking about. There is a reason you are talking about the world boss not your logs in raid because you have actually no clue how you got that single time you did 5 million dps.

Lmfao dude take your imaginary critters and go away. I run a pure single target build for fights like that, the only cleave is Explosive shot. We’ve already determined my dps was boosted due to a bug I was unaware of at the time, your critter idea was never in the realm of possibility. Have a wonderful night!

Lmfao you’re also acting like I don’t know WB fights are easier than lfr lol. Please stop taking yourself so seriously.

Then you hit a critter with explosive shot double dipping mastery doesn’t make 1 mil dps become 5 million rofl. A bunch of people have been posting screens of that going what happen in the hunter disc and invariable that is the answer a cleave onto a critter causing legacy damage scaling to go into effect.

Do you not know when to quit? Leave me alone. Thanks.

This is the worst patch notes of my life.

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They’re going to smack us down again, I feel it coming already.

Multi shot buffs for BM? Really? If you were going to buff BM AoE reducing the focus cost of multi shot would be a better solution than this.

Do you guys even know why BM uses multi shot in the first place? 50% of nothing is still nothing

triple the amount of healing you get from the front end of hots, and the back end.

Typical resto do not have the time to dps unless the tank is able to self sustain, OR dps do not stand in anything.

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Someone told me Fury was easier than Ret. I passed 2k sub ilvl 600 with my ret alt i leveled just to prove that was a bad take. Pulling 1.3 million overall as a 595 Ret and timing 8/9s is a problem. Ret needs to be looked at, literally the dps class with the most utility but they nerfef ele LOL

You will never get me to choose Dream of Cenarius. Ever. :slight_smile:

As a feral druid, I am genuinely surprised to see no feral nerfs for PVP. Our “big bite” might have a little too much PSI behind it.

Completely unacceptable! 1 nerf not 20! your team do not know how to scale classes properly and needs to keep their hands off ele for the rest of the season. BUFFS NOT NERFS!

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