Class Tuning Incoming – October 29

How about doing the analysis and testing for balance during the PTR and pushing all the changes live at once, with only minimal changes afterwards if something gets missed?

This drop a patch full of changes full of buffs and nerfs only to hotfix counter changes to nerf and buff later is getting old.

Any developer that is passionate about RPGs would realize this. The fact that Blizzard doesn’t is heartbreaking.

Some talents are just placeholders that hardly has any uses. I’d trust Gearbox or GGG to do a better job with the talent system over this company.

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I like the way ele is playing now. I hope the nerfs don’t jumble it around again or throw it to the bottom. These nerfs are really heavy handed after just one patch.


As I said, they don’t even play the same game we play. I would like to know from where they get these assumptions to do class balance like this (saying Dark Ranger is OVERperforming is sad) and if they even test or have a bug grabber team.

From hunter perspective, our discord has an excel with all bugs found, how to reproduce and how to fix, blizzard job done for free! But they don’t give a sh*t about us, who pays their salaries. Heartbreaking to see a game that I’ve played for so much time, going in this direction, with a team that doesn’t know what they’re doing.


do the devs think buffing multishot will increase our aoe? it is less than 1% of our damage in AOE. wish they would actually play the game or take input from people who play the game.


not to mention oh look an updated icon for mail and ooh look updated spell icons. Oh look here is bug thats been in the game for 20 years, better add a new mail icon instead of fixing it.

I don’t have a lot of confidence in this team. They seem to throw pasta at the wall to see if things are good enough.

Meanwhile there are folks on the internet that have spreadsheets, dps simulators, and much more theorycrafting than anything the devs have seemed to share. Maybe they do it? Given the wild swings in buffs -n- nerfs, I highly doubt it. The common theme this expansion is the WoW team needs to do better. All up.


Because the art team is well known for being the top bug fixers

Idk why people think they’re trying to balance, they’re trying to shift meta the way they want to, been like that for years

0 attention to dh or outlaw again lmao, then only minor nerfs to feral, fk these devs, they actually just beat off to warrior druid and mage n loc

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This is a multi year long meme at this point.

A few weeks ago when Protection Paladin was on the bottom with us, they buffed protection paladin.

Now that Blood DK is at the bottom with us, they buffed Blood.


Well i hope these tuning nerfs are to combat the bugs being fixed. as of today we discovered another major bug that affects marksman.

Razor fragments has not become a rolling periodic which was stated would happen.
Instead the weaker razor fragment proc overwrites the stronger one and vice versa. darkhounds is also not procing, withering fire main black arrow can not proc muder of crows. and few others.


This! like BM isnt OP or overperforming. idk why nerf it even the AoE isnt bad in its current state. ill take the AoE buffs but to say its overperforming as a reason to nerf it is just insane.


it’s more-so the fact that it doesn’t go as crazy as specs like boomy or others that have insane cleave beyond 5 targets. DH demonsurge is wild and boomy starfall is insane. when you get high enough ret pal doesn’t scale AS crazy as others.

Yes the burst is great from the rip but other specs can catch up if they know what to do. which means they’re doing more dps than us as the fight goes on. Maybe just not overall which means if i have to offheal or something, other classes like dh; who are strictly dmg focused; will overtake me in some cases.

it’s deff overperforming in ST. it’s WAYYYY beyond some other specs. balancing it out so 1 class doesn’t just make content not a challenge is part of balancing a game. you don’t want 1 class just blasting bosses down or negating mechanics cuz they can just prio focus certain targets and make stuff too easy at higher levels.

brew tanks that know how to play don’t need teh buffs :wink: yea it’d be nice but it’s got insane dmg and if you can manage stagger well enough you can do 13s and other content

Sub rogues need damage outside of their burst window (which is negated by a single absorb)

We hit like a wet noodle outside of flagellation

Even if we want to hit hard we need to use symbols of death to stack supercharged combo points (which you can only do a limited amount of in arenas and bgs)

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BM isn’t really overperforming in single target compared to Arcane mage or Frost dk from my understanding.


Trying to force fundamental changes in specs and how they gear or play is something that should be done, at absolute soonest, on upcoming raid tiers and seasons…not midway through when people have already invested significant time and gold/resources into their toon.

And, you know, maybe try asking regular players for feedback and not esport mythic raiding tryhards


Just about sick of these retarded devs.

Let’s destroy ele and leave ret alone. Makes sense stupid.