Class Tuning Incoming – October 29

Oh boy, Psychic link going up again

this is like 3-4 times a year that this stupid talent gets dropped then raised then dropped then raised, this time it wasn’t even a month between them it feels like

please god just do whatever you need to actually fix this talent instead of continually twisting the knob left then right.


This right here. TWW started off to a great start till right about now.

Blizz spend that money you just milked from the longnecks and kittie mounts and invest in this aspect of the game. I have to agree when people say the current class designers are the worst. They only seem to focus full time on one or two classes while the rest are either OP or under powered to the point people are frustrated to even play. Dont “Hotfix” without properly testing and getting feedback only to revert it the next few weeks.

There is a PTR, look at community forums feedback (there are a lot of good ones) and actually use that feedback to “Fix” the classes properly instead of only focusing on 2-3 classes all the time. It takes you a week to “hot fix” some classes, while others more than a month to bring a small change which has zero effect on gameplay, thats a lot of days and play time lost to people trying to raid and do M+ and to feel more frustrated.

You already f’d up big time with these class tuning and this patch (which is probably the worst so far), dont let this be the norm for TWW.


Oracle Discipline Priest Feedback:

Really surprised to see the direction you guys went with Oracle Disc buffs.

Not looking a gift horse in the mouth here, but I was really hoping Oracle Disc would get damage buffs through Preventive Measures- in order to be able to compete with the DPS output that Voidweaver is capable of.

Using Oracle Disc for big beefy shields is very fun for me, and reminds me of the old days of Disc Priest, which I vastly prefer over using the Voidwraith/Mindbender playstyle that Voidweaver is trapped into playing. I just don’t find the cadence very fun.

It makes no sense to play Oracle over Voidweaver because more damage = faster dungeon completion. This means in timed environments like Mythic+, Voidweaver’s passive and consistent DPS output will always make more sense to play since Oracle’s DPS output is drastically lower.

Another thing being the fact that Voidweaver’s talent build (the Voidwraith/Mindbender playstyle) flows way better due to the inherent way Disc Priest is designed. This means Oracle can feel clunky and less efficient- contributing to Oracle being chosen even less often.

To elaborate on this, Disc Priest wants to Smite (and Void Blast) spam as much as possible (which I do not enjoy by the way, but it’s the most efficient way to play) in order to reduce the cooldown on Penance (and Dark Reprimand) as well as Voidwraith/Mindbender. Through the Smite spamming, you are constantly healing and DPSing on top of contributing to CDR. Voidweaver lends to this style of play which is hardwired into Disc Priest.

Compared to Oracle Priest, this inherent playstyle cadence is interrupted by frequent use of Power Word: Shield (which has a cooldown that is just long enough to feel annoying and clunky in play) as well as the Premonition spell(s), which also contribute to some clunk and set up. Oracle needs to spend globals on actual defense and healing/absorbs much more than Voidweaver. This means fewer globals being spent doing DPS (Smite spam, lack of Voidwraith/Mindbender) while pressing your set ups and absorbs.

So, the above is going to inherently make Oracle Disc’s overall DPS output lower as it is. Which is why I think cranking up Preventive Measures’ DPS output must happen. Disc Priest’s niche playstyle is “dps to heal”— Voidweaver should do more DPS since it has a shadow magic theme, sure. It makes sense for shadow magic to do more DPS. Oracle Disc’s DPS needs to be brought up to at least compete sensibly with Voidweaver though— or else Oracle Disc will simply never be taken. Oracle Disc isn’t worth the trouble of a clunkier playstyle with the reward of 1/5th of the DPS Voidweaver can output.

The DPS gap needs to be much more narrow between the 2 hero specs. Right now it is a chasm.

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Bring back monk essence font, I feel empty without my ability to make it rain.

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You guys have no idea what youre doing…


Its time for a squish, the balance gets bad everytime numbers get to big.

This was because of a bug, a bug they fixed.

Also, if you wanted people to play your reworked dark ranger you could try BUFFING it instead of nerfing the other hero talent tree.


Reverse the recent massive nerfs done to frost deathbringers.

They only love paladins this expansion

I actually think this is a great take.

Take the Psychic Link changes. This thing goes up and down so often. Why? Didnt we settle this in dragonflight?

If we just keep the endgame numbers all to Dragonflight or TWW level going forward
we can actually make progress on tuning!

So much this!!! I stopped playing in SL. Came back for this expansion and finally started playing my monk. I was going crazy looking for this spell. :sob::sob::sob:

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You mean observe then throw some blindfolded darts at a board and do whatever they land on?

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Im pretty sure nobody at Blizzard has any idea what is going on at any given time and they just randomly do whatever compulsion of the moment dictates.

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Yeah… I don’t understand why the Ministry of Tuning™ exists at all. Tuning should come after the bugs are fixed, except in extreme cases of imbalance where addressing bugs won’t bring the class/spec in line… in which case, it should have never gone live in that state in the first place. Why even have a PTR? Serious question.

What are you talking about?

“Sorry Shaman, you’re finally in as really good place, but because fun is detected we’re gonna have to give you the nerf-bat. Sorry about ya!”

Sounds about right.

Ps. When enhance uses Tempest and gets the enhanced lightning bolt or chain lightning, if it procs another Tempest, we lose our lightning bolt and have to use the enhanced buff on a chain lightning.

Just bringing it up so maybe you can look into it so that we don’t have to use our AoE spells in single target situations. (When there should otherwise be a single target option available)

Guess every Havoc player has to wait another season to be playable…

Knew a nerf was coming to ele. was fine with that in concept

this is not right.


Almost right, but they wouldn’t have said sorry.

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Using players to test = don’t have to pay QA, as we’re ultimately their QA, and they don’t pay us to test, we pay them to test lol!

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