Class Tuning Incoming – October 29

Hey, give the devs a break. It’s still in the beta stages, and I’m sure when it goes live just before the next expansion, all the bugs will be ironed out.


Did you guys forget Holy Priests exist again?

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You’ve read my thoughts exactly. I have ZERO idea what they’re doing.

All Holydin has is Beacon. These devs seriously need to play their own damn game in the same conditions set for their players for once.

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These are some pretty crazy nerfs… It would be nice if they would actually test these before just destroying a class… and all the gear those players have gotten for their specs.


Is there a reason why you are abusing us elemental shaman like this? 150k gold, 2 cata charges, 2 recrafts, new build etc etc… and now we may have to go back from mastery?? We all agreed it needed balance, but this looks worse than before you released this patch. Please keep our class playable, we were actually getting invited to keys.


Big fan of Fury buffs. Were still crawling back. Glad our power is being shifted to Bloodthirst/Bloodbath and Raging/Crushing Blow from Bladestorm. This feels better. Execute is still a wet noodle in damage amd 10% wont change that. We hit it for CD reduction that’s it.

I don’t get everyone’s complaints on Prot Pally. They are amazing. You take like 0 damage. Your Avenger Shield should be number 2 or 3 in overall damage in M+ if its not you’re doing it wrong. It its a massive heal plus a defensive. Permanent +25% parry and +10% block in 5+ targets.



I will be surprised if it’s enough, but it’s a step in the right direction.

I’ve been playing Ret a lot lately, and it’s absolutely ridiculous to me that Ret isn’t like… the template for how specs should function. It’s consistently strong, it has good range, and it’s got tons of utility, and it’s pretty easy to be effective on. Lots of synergy, everything cleaves.

It’s just really solid.

Blows my mind how Ret Pallies still find time to complain when they smell a nerf.


So there leaving mages in this sorry state from last week nerfs and Buffing Blood DK??is this a joke?
Time to just unsub from this garbage



These are AoE nerfs as well as ST. Nerfing damage to the primary target in AoE situations is still reduced overall damage in AoE.

These are barely adequate compensatory buffs for AoE to make up the loss, let alone buff BM’s overall AoE.

Is there anyone in the community you can ask for help? I hear there is a Hunter discord with some knowledgeable people. Maybe reach out and ask nicely?


hOW BAD YOU GUYS AT Class Tuning dam


Not the biggest fan of dream of cenarius getting buffed as opposed to just buffing our hots so we can just spend more time in cat form after applying said hots. Plus it doesn’t even transfer the cat spenders or rake which is kind of weird.

I’ll take it a buff is a buff but I’d be willing to bet not a lot of druids would like this talent even if it was really strong.

Have you guys seen the dps charts for mages or the PVP ladder for fire or arcane? What is going on!

Please revert this new patch, the game is generally worse

Class design is the #1 most important thing in the game. Our characters are the interface through which we experience everything else.

Please STOP releasing content, until you finish class design and get it right.

Put all hands on deck.

“But the graphic artists and quest designers aren’t class developers.” Neither are the people working on class design now, apparently. Put everybody on it including the fry cook in the cafeteria.

They can’t possibly do a worse job than the people doing it now.


As a poor humble disenfranchised PVP fire mage I find these notes disappointing.

How much longer does fire have to feel like its lvl 70 vs lvl 80s

MM feels really weak after 11.0.5 in st. i couldnt kill weak mobs without trueshot active.
sometimes i need to spam arcane shot until aimed charge or proc. Aimed and Rapid damage is very low right now.

i think damage of MM DR tied to black arrow/kill shot and deathblow around. if we have RNG luck we good otherwise we are nothing.

i would prefer revert 11.0.5 changes.

As I said when DF was released, with those talent trees, the game will be impossible to balance.
This wasn’t too noticeable in DF, but with the addition of hero talent and augvoker. Now it’s clearly the case.
And I don’t think they ever will.
I’m curious to see the next MDI

And just a word about recent problem with rogue outlaw. If your game wasn’t completely buggy, there wouldn’t be any bug exploits to do. What’s the PTR for ???
Don’t punish them because of your failure.

Wait, wait—

First you say this…

Then you say this???

Make this make sense… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Only another shaman can understand your pain, I feel the same, they force us to change all the stats, I even changed crit/haste items in the catalyst to obtain items with mastery and now they are going to make us go back, I lost my items, my time and my desire to play the spec, I’m going to take advantage of the mastery and switch to enh which seems a little less humiliated with this tunning

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Yeah, a template.
Doesn’t mean they’re immune to nerfs when needed.

Ret has a fun cohesive kit.

  • Everything cleaves
  • It’s got great range
  • The rotation is nice and simple, everything works together and the spec has nice synergy. You don’t need a spreadsheet to figure out what button to press next.
  • There is very little downtime - so if you’re in a group with an insane tank – that’s cool with Ret.
  • It has insane utility,
  • It’s got decent enough mobility
  • Strong self healing
  • A fantastic damage profile.
  • Its one of the few specs where you can literally full send 100% of the time. You don’t have to worry about sitting on cooldowns for a boss or a bigger pull around the corner. You just sened it 100% of the time - and that’s actually fun to play around.
  • You can freely swap targets, doesn’t matter.

It’s one of the few specs in the game that actually works well, basically 100% of the time.

  • Don’t need to worry about energy, or rage, or focus.
  • The only time you care about mana is if you’re doing a bunch of healing – which many classes can’t even do.
  • Every other melee spec has to actually get into melee range where it’s dangerous, and then stop DPSing when they need to run to safety.
  • You can remove snares – from yourself AND an ally – and now that even auto applies to an extra person even if you don’t target someone.
  • You can generate holy power / deal damage just from successfully interrupting something.
  • You can even self cleanse.
  • You have a battle rez too.
  • Ret has some REALLY strong defensives.

You pretty much have to throw your keyboard out the window in order to actually die – and the playerbase that plays them still finds a way to statistically die more than any other spec.

As a template for how a spec should function – Ret is amazing.

When I see the Ret community complaining it does blow my mind. They have basically everything they could ever want, who cares if they gotta give up a lil damage. Especially when they’re near the top of the charts anyways. They’re still gonna be fun to play.


Then why nerf it? It’s not the top performing spec.

The community doesn’t complain. There are a few outliers that do complain but for the most part, when ret got their Mastery nerfed and Herald nerfed, we understood and was justified.

We recently got around a 3% nerf when they reworked our class tree, but we didn’t complain about it as opposed to talking and letting other rets know of the nerf itself.

We know that we’re generally in a good spot compared to most specs.