Class Tuning Incoming – November 26

Yes, Fire is weak … but you left out the reason!

You nerfed the key spells!

Worse, you nerfed them after you buffed them!

Fire has gone from last, to first, to last again…

So now you are buffing the same spells you nerfed a month ago?

Are you gonna nerf it again if it’s found too high? I assume yes!

Frost also seems guaranteed to go that way considering you are giving it buffs despite being the top DPS range spec right now - and only cause you nerfed arcane and fire down!

I would honestly have more faith it you gave some semblance of what you are doing, but instead it’s buffs followed by nerfs followed by buffs, which truly gives the impression you have zero idea what consequences any of your changes will cause.


You are not wrong, exactly. When the stars align, warlocks can produce very fine numbers, thanks to them buffing our raw damage. However, the problem is much more mechanical. Outside of perfect play and positioning, warlock damage falls of heavily due to movement. Demo could see nerfs across the board, lowering their max output, and still see average dps go up considerably by giving them a cast while moving cd.

dh exist!!! wtff

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where the fk are the real dh buffs


I’d love to see the data used to justify all of these changes. They never make sense and appear more to be just pulled out of the air.


I’m starting to think they might be reworking them soon

Where are the real DH Buffs? This is less than a 0.3% add pad dps buff


why nerf breath?? its not fdks entire aoe… you do understand that fdk in general just aoe just pressing their buttons?? right? Breath isnt up most of the time youre in a fight with the new duration limits


Do you really think DH is fine in PvE? Not a single buff despite its poor damage and the countless bugs in its abilities—not to mention the talent tree bug for the hero skill that still hasn’t been fixed. Nobody wants a DH, not even for +10 keys. The poor state of DH and the terrible design of its talents make it one of the worst DPS classes at the moment. Useless defensives and zero group utility.


Why nerf a tank? they are already bad, increase the damage of other tanks and a little resistance too.


lmao u kidding kek

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Blood DK got a few buffs, so did guardian druid. I would say they focused on single mob crit , rather than AOE, but I’ll take it!

Tanks need more resistance, I’ve seen DKS getting one shot at m+. What about DHs and Brewmasters? They are bad and there has been no change.


how braindead can blizzard possibly be? can someone give them back their feeding tube



Buff shadow priest!

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Will you please, for the love of God, actually buff UHDK’s DPS? Good hell.

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WHY EVEN BUFF FROST DK??? THEY DONT NEED MORE ST THEIR AOE WAS BARELY TOUCHED WITH THAT NERF. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Nothing on brewmaster? I’m happy my blood dk got deathbringer buffed, but could we please look into brewmaster monks?


Problem solved itself then. DH isn’t for pve.