LEAVE US ALONE! We’ve been through enough already!
feels bad for the brew chugging monks
Paladins, mount up
Hunter, we see you are competitive again. Here is a 15% nerf.
Shaman. We see you are dominating everything. Here is a buff.
The brm dev is on vacation
Enhancement shaman, you’ve had your fun, we will now need you back into the ground to be no longer viable.
Can DH please get a dev that isn’t taking the entire expansion off? We have one hero talent no one plays and the other is in the bottom tier of damage across the board. Yet we still don’t see any PvE changes…
Hopefully on Monday the tuning devs actually look at data that is after the last tuning pass (the one that made MM black ranger trash) instead of including all of it in their data.
can we stop coping for these devs they literally can’t even see the screen they make these edits on after generations of inbreeding causing them to be completely crosseyed
I love the changes for Brewmaster monks on this list to make them more viable class but you just keep buffing the other tanks. Thank you from the monk community.
Wait, no BM nerfs in PvP? Seriously?
Revert the changes to timewalking.
Kaivax, you’ve been with them for a very long time. Come on man, sway your influence on them to revert the changes.
If they get nerfed in pvp then they would only be good in pure single target no?
So… Holy Paladin… NOTHING? Do you really believe that our performance compared to others is equivalent?
Brewmaster exists… please…
You watched a group of people pulling 15 million AoE DPS with no healer and thought “yes, this is normal, standard gameplay that average players can emulate” ?
Sure, if a class is too self sustainy or doing more damage than it should, bring it down a bit, but let’s not act like this happens because a paladin can actually handle the healer role while tanking or playing ret in a typical +8 or +10 run.
You do not balance around the fringe cases of 1%ers pushing the limits of what can be done. I know the video most people have seen plays it off as a random pug. It wasn’t. That’s a coordinated group going into it in max gear and with a plan for every pull.
Which moves garners more positive feedback?
Nerfing Prot Pallies or surprisingly giving BM monks sweeping buffs across the board that ascends them to prot pallies level?
Better tanks would improve the state of current M+ yet they’re taking this weird hard line stance against it. Why the heck can’t they just encourage players to switch back to tanks by buffing the tanks they like to play?
Prot Paladins are blatantly overperforming.
You wouldn’t just be buffing Brewmaster (who does need it), you’d need major buffs to ALL other tanks.
That’s not reasonable and creates a situation where player power just forever grows upward every patch because it’s NEVER perfect. You don’t bring everyone to the top. You aim for the middle. Which is why we’re seeing some slight buffs to middling tanks and nerfs to paladin.
The only thing missing is the Brewmaster buffs. No idea why they’re being left alone.
You guys are def getting the S3-S4 Shaman Dragonflight treatment.
Their calling cards are their high damage and ability to cheese boss mechanics.
Is asking the dev team to atleast bump up other tank’s damage to close that gap too much to ask?