Class Tuning Incoming – November 26

Very strange, given the amount of constant attention they get, I’d say the Devs this season have been obsessed with DPS DKs and Mages.

Has there been a patch yet where they have not tweaked those two? I don’t recall one. Some specs have gotten nearly no changes this entire season, and some are constantly getting reworks and buffs.

Blood DK feels like its on a rollercoaster going up and down, however bear has felt like they just removed the UP part of the rollercoaster… I’m sure a number of other specs feel like that too. Just a slow slide down into “no thanks”

I see Ele is still not allowed to do ST damage. Maybe by season 2 this will be looked at?

How do you look at one of the few classes that could have played both hero trees before and gut them, destroy defensives and leave them rotting at the bottom when it comes to ST? I wish you guy could explain to the community what we are all not seeing and what the goal is for balancing.

Yeah, it’s a terrible change. If anything, a 10% nerf would have been acceptable, but blood is now completely awful in pvp.

The worst part is it’s probably still a better pick than frost and unholy due to the inability to survive in between goes and do any meaningful sustained damage.

what about M+ ? we dont see any warlock in a high keys…Demo needs a buffs to make them more competitive…

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How about instead of nerfing a tank, which is already in a huge shortage you buff all the other tanks to make them fun to play? Ugh…


Eyyy here’s a thought. Since paladins feel well balanced instead of nerfing them and proving how inept you are as developers, WHY DON’T YOU MAKE TANKS VIABLE AGAIN AND BRING THE OTHERS IN LINE WITH PALADIN??? Oh, right, sorry… Forgot the game is run by people with the intellect of an amoeba and no foresight… Of course.


don’t the monk buffs seem a little bit too much? i feel like they’re going to be BM hunter levels of broken when their spells were bugging out.

I had a feeling Survival was going to get nerfed. It’s a niche spec that people aren’t going to buy boosts for.

Why do something so obvious that would make thousands of people happy?


Seems to be a theme. People pointed out within about 5 seconds of the previous class change notes being posted that it was going to tank BDK damage. And now a month later they are finally getting around to buff BDK back up. Sometimes all you can do is shake your head at their lack of foresight.


Plz buff Balance Druid (PvP) Frenzied Regen by 1%.
IMO, do more for Boomy survivability.
Can nerf something else in damage or CC a bit to compensate.

Where’s the Brewmaster buffs and reworks?


As someone who abandoned their evoker because in just about every situation Aug was more desired than Dev, I fully agree with you. I’m not playing that boring spec, so I just won’t play evoker at all.

In other words if you want to tank play a warrior.

Prot pally and hybrid classes are yet again invalidating healers. There was a +15 NW timed recently with 0 healers.

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Hey blizz stop buffing resto shamans damage for pvp it doesn’t help. We need mana cost tuning and some healing buffs. But i forgot, only Disc Priest, Hpal and MW are allowed to have seemingly infinite mana and great big instant cast heals/shields.

But i am sure my lava burst that casts super slow hitting slightly harder is totally gonna help.

They work out to be roughly 5% ST so they come to average instead of below average

Hey Blizzard team when you will make unholy death knight good again.


What I’d say to this is that the players hurt themselves by trying to follow what the title players do; the fact of the matter is that there is always going to be a set of comps that are the most effective when it comes to infinitely scaling content and just picking the meta classes isn’t going to suddenly make you better. The top comps are formed on clearing dungeons in the most efficient way possible; Enhance+Aug+FDK just happen to have the most consistent damage profile for massive AoE pulls with group defensives to survive the dungeons this season. There is nothing the Devs can do for this aside from making every class literally the same in every aspect…which no one wants.

99.9% of us, literally, are not playing M+ the same way that the .1% players do. Are you constantly making quadruple-sextuple pulls in your groups using every available defensive and offensive CD?

If your answer to this is no, you really need to take a step back and realize what is truly relevant for you as a player. >90% of players aren’t even hitting all 10s, I’m one of them!


Maybe Blizz lost the code for BrM and none of the new devs are brave enough to try to figure out how stagger is supposed to work.