Class Tuning Incoming – November 14

Not even close honestly. Might be a liiittle less mandatory for higher keys but probably still best just for the utility. In raids though it was doing enough damage to be a near mandatory 2 of for mythic and after this roughly 7% will still be in that position.

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Please please please consider doing a healing buff for Feral in PvP combat, the spec cannot survive damage without playing with an Augmentation Evoker and the upcoming nerfs to Aug result in an indirect nerf to Feral’s survivability in PvP.

Please consider undoing some or all of the nerfs to Regrowth that only apply to Feral in PvP, it’s currently nerfed by 50% for only Feral and not Balance, Guardian or Restoration.

It’s not fun to be so squishy.

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—is a good thing.

Fixed it for ya. :wink:

Are you seriously suggesting with a straight face that MM Hunter is fine and needs no tuning? This has to be a troll.

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Buffed Ret paladins but not shadow priests. ok.


When is Brewmaster getting our 20% Spinning Crane Kick damage back?

Here’s the sequence of events:

  1. You gave us a tier set for Aberrus that increased Spinning Crane Kick damage.
  2. You subsequently nerfed Spinning Crane Kick damage by 20%. (July 24 hotfix)

Which just nullified the tier bonus. Good job.

When do we get part 3?

  1. With the Aberrus tier bonus gone, Spinning Crane Kick damage buffed by 20% to put it back where it was.

Well said my friend.

If you want to actually nerf Aug, get rid of blistering scales and the mana regen for healers. Get rid of the vers buffs from empowered spells and replace it with haste. Then remove the knock up from upheaval. Increase their personal dps to compensate.

As long as aug buffs survivability while bringing multiple stops, lust, and dispels it will stay meta. It needs to only buff damage.

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Sweet jesus, no Shadow changes? Literally one of the bottom five in ST, AOE and neutered utility. Can we please have ANY comment on the design philosophy or plans for Shadow? This is the first time in fifteen years of WoW that I’ve shelved mine.

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Shaman isnt even on the list

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No changes for Warrior. We have achieved mathematical perfection.


The situation in the current patch is that aug will be garbage with start-of-patch gear and fine-to-great with top end gear. It’s unfortunate if that will be the case every patch going forward, especially if they eventually release patches that don’t just constantly rain down mythic raid level gear on anyone who logs in.

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Ion can get in front of a camera and say “We’d rather you didn’t play shadow” if you like


I’m going to assume this is more of a troll comment.
But anyway, I will give my opinion as well as yours.
You can still choose between playing Boomkin or catweaving.
Currently, we Rdruids play boomkin because the catweaving aoe data is terrible.
However, with this improvement that comes on the 14th it will only improve our dps by 1 or 3 targets.
So it’s not a big deal, so there’s no need to exaggerate.
Another thing to highlight is that you cannot demand to reverse these changes because it harms the class.
Furthermore, as a catweaving player then I would also demand that they revert this buff that they gave to the boomkin of 90% wrath and starfire (which is not fair for those who play boomkin).
So… for now it would be better to reserve these types of comments and thank or give constructive ideas such as:
Improve the dot damage of our sunfire and moonfire (which is something that plays both boomkin and catweaving).

Honestly, I’d be ok with that. At least we’d know where we stand.

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Why was everything nerfed? Are there some big equipment scaling/buffs coming in 10.2 or something? My WW seems to have lost about 20k dps the way I play it, mostly in world pve.

As you say:

The main reason why you take Aug Evoker is not for damage or buff.
It’s about how much utility you guys brought to the evoker throughout this expansion.
It practically has a bit of each class, from a knockback, a lift, mass roots, speed buff, mass damage reduction, external defensive, passive healing, bleed dispel, enrage dispel, etc.
I could go on with the list of utilities and I could go on to more.
If they want the aug evoker to no longer be viable or as competitive, they should directly attack its usefulness, not its performance.
Because when they realize that their usefulness is the problem, it will be too late for the evoker and they will practically recreate a Spriest in its current state.


I can’t believe you came here just to personally insult me. That’s against ToS
(See what happens when you remove all context to a partial quote)

Why did you leave out AFLICTION WARLOCKS? Are you aware we need help>???


Excuse me, you seem to have forgotten the obligatory curb stomp/nerf to hpal.

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