Class Tuning Incoming – November 14

Why buff warlocks and UH DK again? They top all of the 10.1

Affliction’s continuous meme into yet another new M+ season.


Maybe when the logs don’t look like they did last tier.

1-2 target is not good. Used to be, we lose 2 target cleave to every top tier dps since season 1. We had a blast in the las raid thanks to some small window while we were the primary target for Aug and power infusion until they discovered mages and SP.

Yet they nerfed the spec and give to us another bullst set tier exactly like they did on the last season. On Sims we does less dps with 4 tier pieces using the forced talent than not using the 4 tier and optimizing the talents, and still bottom dps.

Warlocks are eat poop tier this season simply because devs doesn’t have a clue what they are doing. This buffs proves it.


Dude they are killing Disc it hasn’t even had a chance to do anything in M+ or Raid this season and they have killed it already lol.

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Sad Face /10 char

Why does Blizz keep on nerfing Aug but never buffs Augs self damage, if your gonna keep nerfing the 1 and only support spec they need to compensate the mega nerfs with aug having on par Dps with other Dps.

Either make Aug pure dps or stop Nerfing

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RIP Destruction.


Because if you combine their self damage + the damage they provide to the group from their buffs it’s still leagues above everyone else.

This is not a redistribution of damage. It is a nerf.


Best thing they could do to help Hunters, Warriors, and many others is delete Aug Evoker from the game.

With Augs perma-camping on 1 spot in every 5-man group, and 3-4 raid slots, they’re crowding everybody else out.


Yes. They just nerfed the damage, while leaving your utility intact. This is evidence that they are changing it into a DPS spec. Very good, this statement you’ve made absolutely makes sense. You’re not a complete moron in any way. You are making a positive change in these forums, and I hope to keep seeing posts from you.

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Oh, there’s no question they’re good. Very good. I just don’t ascribe to every person who comes on here and th subreddit throwing around words like “required” and “mandatory.” If they were all title players or close to it, then I would completely understand. But that is simply not the case. I would be willing to wager a great multitude are sub 3k players.

There’s countless people playing this game that blame aug for not getting into groups. The reality is, most of these people aren’t getting into groups because they’re applying to keys at levels they don’t have timed previously, against competition that does. And they’re people playing specs that don’t offer anything to the group, like no lust, brez, or help with affixes.

Augmentation has consistently received small incremental nerfs every months or so since release and it still ends up being mandatory in the end. Either nerf the spec to the ground now before s3 starts or stop touching it afterwards. Players need certainty now whether Aug is going to be needed for s3 or not.

Once s3 starts I don’t want to start gearing my Aug and then it gets yet more small incremental nerfs in the future which finally kill it off mid-season then I will feel like I’ve wasted colossal time in it.


Expect Aug to be kept for its utility and not its damage. Gear / play accordingly. If Aug just becomes another dps class they’re going to lose that utility instead and that would be a colossal failure on the devs’ part.


You guys want to be top every tier. Anything less than top = cry.

It’s already a colossal failure.

If any other spec was mandatory in 5-man content and people were class-stacking it to get the fastest Mythic raid kill times, it would be nerfed into the ground.

But because Aug is their New Pet Project and they don’t want egg all over their face, it gets special treatment.

For now.


Aug will be the kind of spec that will be or super OP or super bad. Time to be super bad i guess.

O-oh… Nothing for Hunters.

Well… At least we weren’t nerfed.

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Warriors on life support


It wasn’t a good rework. Class still heavily button bloated and buff stack tracking bloated. No wondee so few play Rogue. It isn’t fun and it’s ridiculously over complicated.

Outlaw should be reworked entirely. Like, make it nothing like the other 2 specs and cut down any stealth reliance.

I just wanna use the gun and sword combo.