Class Tuning Incoming – November 14

looks like blizzard forgot about affliction again… 4 set still bugged with sow the seed same bugg we had all season 1 lmao the way you have handled warlock this xpac should have blizzard embarrassed. class tree still has awful cap stones and destro/afflic are always on the back burner to demo


yeah blizz dose not understand the class they mad as usual

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Pardon me, but I recently switched back to Devastation because Augmentation damage felt way too low when soloing. Am I missing something? Did Augmentation damage get buffed in 10.2?

I’d settle for acknowledging that we exist.


“Up my class”

“Nerf their classes”

Augmentation’s damage comes from its allies. You haven’t missed anything except multiple necessary Augmentation nerfs.

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At the current pace maybe Frost DK’s can wait another xpac

FR though that Virulent plague buff is TST

I love these blue posts because they are a lightning rod for tears.

it wasn’t supposed to do damage, just utility. you guys have done nothing but nerf support and buff its damage and are now using its excessive damage as an excuse to nerf the support. stop it, nerf the damage and buff the support.


Hunters need a big buff.
It has been 2 months now in PVP with Hunters only topping the charts with 32-0 KB and 45m damage, triple everyone else except maybe Druids. I see they are only starting to represent 40% of everyone in BGs and not the usual 45%… Can we get them higher please?

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BM hunter… 100% not a serious spec… intended for someone’s child to play. Pets hit like wet noodles, zero to little defense capabilities versus other class’ insane bursts, no burst at all (i actually replaced kill shot with a /smile macro as it takes up the same amount of button bloat and both have the same impact on dps). Hunters… Emerald Dream… oh yea, i guess only the edgelord MM gets unhinged bursts while BM remains fun capped to do persistent, ineffectual, damage.

And specifically this:

I suggest instead to bring it to 7%. Cutting the healing of Divine Aegis absorption by half seems a little over the top.
It has always felt like Divine Aegis was a reward for kinda knowing the fights, being able to use Power Word: Shield at the right time before a big burst of damage, or using Renew between casts to help keep that Survival Hunter alive while you focus healing on the Rogue who won’t get out of the fire because fire = more dps…

I am just trying to say that Divine Aegis has always felt like it was a reward for being able to properly apply atonement while managing your mana and cooldowns.

So again, I say 7% (was 10%) instead of 5% (was 10%).

Not a troll at all. I meant every word. Words you apparently didn’t bother to read, though I get the feeling English isn’t your first language, so maybe there’s some translation problems.

My post called for the buffs to be reversed if blizzard is incapable of properly balancing boomkin resto versus catweaving resto. If catweaving can manage 110k dps (which, spoilers, it can. You will be doing 100k+ dps as a healer in keys), then Boomkin should be capable of doing about 100k dps. 10% less than catweaving. I don’t believe any healer should be doing that much dps in a key regardless. But if Catweaving is adjusted to do 60k dps, then boomkin should do 54k. And so on. There should not be more than a 10% damage difference between these different playstyles.

Why don’t you take the time to read and understand a comment before replying in a reactionary manner, Eh?

Ah yes, this will fix them being 20-something on dps tunings.

Errr, idk if you’re behind on recent developments but assa is one of the best ST specs in the game now, as well as one of the best aug and pi targets.

It makes these changes a head scratched still sure, but for the opposite reason.

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You didn’t miss anything Blizzard just fails to understand what personal DPS means.

Came here to see if healing & mana pool nerfs would get reverted….

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It just doesn’t make sense, I even saw it on a druids discord and they practically laughed when they read you posted it.
We are in the middle of 2023, and the issue of healers who only heal or something like that (or who do less dps) no longer exists.
At most in vanilla I think there was that system for mana.
Currently all healers can do dps, from very little to a lot.
Also, if you think that healers should not be able to do much damage, it would make many who got used to this system feel very useless and would also have to make double the effort to contribute to the group or raid.
I understand that you are worried about the boomkin, but I must warn you that it will continue to be viable, catweaving was not viable because we had the same setting since S1.
I mean there were no improvements and the advantage that the boomkin has with catweaving is that you do a lot of damage aoe and in the case of single target or multitarget the catweaving is better (that’s why you can vary).
Anyway, just enjoy the buff, it might help the Rdruid’s damage a little.

They wouldn’t do that. They LOVE to nerf healers every patch. It’s a compulsion at this point.

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Instead of class tuning, it should just be called, “ we don’t really have any clue how to buff or nerf classes so heres some random numbers that do nothing, because we dont actually play the game.”